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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. I'm using this combo as a post-emergent before I overseed. I'll probably do another treatment towards the end of Fall as a 2nd post-emergent hit. Next Spring I'll probably go with something that has Barricade in it. Either Andersens or Jonathan Greene,
  2. We just had a blockbuster snow year, CC be damned.
  3. MEH, only $600m https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/11/tech/crypto-hack/index.html
  4. Nope. There were many in our own sub-forum that preferred to have them separated out.
  5. I created a new and improved Covid thread where you can all beat each other senseless. Let this thread die a slow banter death thru the end of the month and fire up a new one for Fall.
  6. Screw ex-Gov Cuomo. He's a predator and deserves to be prosecuted for his crimes.
  7. And that's fine. I'm just looking for some middle ground in all this chaos. I'd hope I'm pretty level-headed for the majority here. I'm pretty much done with this current thread. I'd want to see more weather banter and non Covid day-to-day banter over this.
  8. You out west permanently? I though you were working in Franklin at one time. I'd say we should try and meet if you were. Nano over on Grove St. https://67degreesbrewing.com/
  9. You haven't added much if, anything, to advancing the debate/discussion over the virus.
  10. Maybe I should go back into my cocoon. I've stirred up the pot too much.
  11. It is my job to moderate ones opinions when they are presented as facts. I'm fine with taking a hard-lined stance when someone doesn't back their opinion with scientific data and facts. I'll just send them on a vacation.
  12. But being a Moderator that's also my discretion to decide. That's where I'm trying to find what that line is on both sides. I'm pretty open-minded of opposing views but do find some of the rhetoric on the extremes too much.
  13. Your posts assumes it is a leak though. There is no definitive answer and we may neve have/get one. https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/05/politics/covid-origins-genetic-data-wuhan-lab/index.html
  14. The assumptions some post of opposite sides view is also not constructive.
  15. Correct but to call a vaccine poison of that it causes autism and Alzheimer's is a joke.
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