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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. No doubt. I just don’t enjoy having to take a ahower every hour to stay dry.
  2. Not sure what Scott is alluding to but I was in my pool from 11-1. Pool temp is in the low 80s, just a bit higher than air temp.
  3. Dew still hovering around 60F but much more comfortable for sure.
  4. Been reading up a lot on this companies product line. Impressed by them. https://andersonsplantnutrient.com/turf/lawn-landscape https://www.amazon.com/stores/TheAndersons/Fertilizers/page/7C366759-37A6-4170-98E6-EF69991D7C88
  5. Grabbed 25# of the Black Beauty Ultra, a bag of Mag-I-cal plus, and a bag of Love Your Soil. All Jonathan Green Products. No starter fertilizer in stock, so I’ll probably get that online.
  6. Fookin gross out. .32” from downpour ps. Temp 80F with dews in mid 70s
  7. Same here. They worked from 7-11. Didn’t work last couple days either due to illness and the heat.
  8. Yeah, nothing earth shattering. Wake me up when we see upper 90s with dews in the mid 70s.
  9. This is what is looks like right now. It's overgrown a bit since I haven't cut it in a couple weeks. You can see the Dig Safe marks on lawn for Fence install. Fence will be going from just to the right of there up against the house straight out 90d to the tree line between my neighbors house. It's give us a screen from the street to the pool in back yard and will create a small lawn behind it where I will be putting my Davis. Not an ideal spot but I don't have anywhere else on my property to put it. I am thinking of putting my anemometer up on the gable end of the new garage with a wireless transmitter to the station.
  10. Definitely need to start ramping up my Front Lawn reno plans. We have fence going in next week on side yard, so I am waiting for that to be done 1st. 1st step will be to kill off existing weeds probably try to do that next week if temps cooperate. Give that a couple weeks and that I need to dethatch the hell out of the lawn. It's been a solid 5+ years since any machine has worked the lawn besides a mower. Shooting to get that done by the end of the month. This will give me Labor Day Weekend to do any topsoil spreading than seed. Supposed to give about 45 days before 1st frost for cool season grasses to establish, which puts me into 2nd week of October, about a week after my 1st frost.
  11. Been a pain in the ass here as well.
  12. Was wondering what the hell this corn discussion was all about until I heard this AM.
  13. Fond memories of skiing there my senior year of HS in 1991/92. Young reckless teens ducking in the woods run after run to find the gnarliest chutes/cliffs to ski down/off. Trying to act like we were Scot Schmidt.
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