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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. That's how you do it. I got 5" from the 4th/5th. Definitely not in 4hrs.
  2. FWIW, the 06z NAM is at tip of LI at the end of it's run.
  3. Yup. No where for storm to escape E. Gonna rot for a day or 2 in the area.
  4. Let's get the grounds good and soaked for the damage to ensue Sun/Mon
  5. Ukie would be interesting for sure imby. 50-60kt winds.
  6. Definitely Sandy-esque solution just a touch further N.
  7. That ULL dives S out of the Davis Straight and plops itself S of Greenland and blocks this from recurving.
  8. Think we see the local news hype machine kick in tonight and citizens will be emptying the shelves tomorrow. We're all gonna die!
  9. Odds favor a lot of being chucked for a multitude of reasons.
  10. dewin the diet dews today after taking a day off from the dew.
  11. Absolutely. Best Summer in a long time for lush irrigation free lawns.
  12. I have not but I've been meaning to. There are DIY kits from Amazon you can order or you can get one done thru UMass https://www.amazon.com/LaMotte-Garden-Kit/dp/B00DBSY6B2/ref=sr_1_3_mod_primary_new?crid=IE3BNEZ0L327&dchild=1&keywords=la+motte+testing+kit&qid=1629134239&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=la+motte%2Caps%2C192&sr=8-3 https://ag.umass.edu/services/soil-plant-nutrient-testing-laboratory/ordering-information-forms
  13. Just looking for cooler evenings so I can do my front lawn reno.
  14. Tenacity(mesotrione) has a proven track record for pre and post-emergent crabgrass control. It works on other broadleafs weeds as well. Low toxicty. It's sprayed on. There's Barricade(prodiamine) that comes in products like The Andersens and there's Dimension as Scott alluded to that sold under Lesco or Jonathan Green. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=the+andersons&dc&ref=a9_sc_1 https://www.jonathangreen.com/product/season-long-crabgrass-weed-preventer.html https://www.jonathangreen.com/product/crabgrass-preventer-plus-green-up-lawn-fertilizer.html https://www.jonathangreen.com/product/weed-feed-lawn-fertilizer.html Spring Seeding is not ideal in our climate as your competing with weeds at the same time. It's best to wait till now to start the process. The Andersens has a new product that may buck that idea. https://andersonsplantnutrient.com/turf/lawn-landscape/fertwithmeso Starter Fert with mesotrione
  15. Is it upright or more along the ground? Looks like a spurge but tough to tell.
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