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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. 1991 (Bob) was the last land-falling Hurricane in New England.
  2. Because they suck at TC modeling.
  3. Define "Ages". When New England hasn't seen a land-falling Hurricane in many posters here lifetime, I'd say it's noteworthy.
  4. Pretty potent right front quadrant on the NAM. 925mb winds 50-60kts.
  5. Yuge impact coming for the Jersey Shore. Post pics.
  6. NAM definitely shifted it's track E.
  7. More robust storm on NAM vs 06z. Must be due to less interaction wit through, keeping structure intact longer.
  8. Less interaction with the trough over Mid Atl, NAM E with storm vs prior runs.
  9. And some oldies too. Don, Quiccy popping in. Need some JoeD, MEkster, et.al to pop in.
  10. Hard to believe we're 30 years since last landfalling Hurricane in New England.
  11. Could be that far as well. I just don's see a NYC/ W LI landfall right now, but I could always be wrong with my assessment.
  12. Correct. But I think the stronger the storm gets over the next 24hr, the less impacted it will be by the trough, leading to a further E track than say what the NAM/Ukie show. I'm leaning towards what the GFS/Euro show for track looking at the upper air pattern. It's really the ideal pattern to a TC to hit us with the blocking in place as well. I think we see 12z guidance on the W edge shift E today. My goalposts are Canal over to New London, CT for landafll.
  13. Good AM AMWx. I think a track right up Naggy Bay is gaining traction just looking at guidance this AM. I feel the runs curling into W LI are too aggressive. Only way I see those occurring is if Henri remains weak and can be impacted more by that trough. If it becomes a stronger storm, the trough won't have as great an impact.
  14. Getting caught up. That 18z GFS was nasty for the SE MA area. We’d have flooding and definite damage with the wet grounds.
  15. Holy hell the flooding would be epic if this verified.
  16. And people expect a track 4 days out to be locked in.
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