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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. I had to turn off Ch 5 this AM. Trying to play it in places like Falmouth, Westport, where it was not more than a stiff beeeze. Than they would cut to Cindy who was checking on velocities for spinners in that one band where we got 90% of our rain.
  2. I’m glad it sucked harder than Misty Mist. That’s unfortunate for your family/friends. Fron a forecast/media perspective it was just brutal. You can play safe with forecasts but when winds come in at 50% of what the forecasts were and how the media sold it, it was overplayed for ratings, and click bait. This forum did really well spelling it all out and showed the issues with intensity well. Hell, even I busted on wind intensity but I was not as hung ho as some.
  3. What a farce of a tropical system. No damage in these parts to speak of. Isiais had better gusts here I think. Peak gust was 35mph a TAN.
  4. pool floaties crying for their mama
  5. Y'all realize Sandy Survivor was a sock of another forum member just trolling....
  6. I agree with this, The back side winds should be better for south facing areas.
  7. Winds NE at BID, so this is going E of BID.
  8. Pretty uniform temps, dew is in 70s here.
  9. winds freshening up 4 sure now. Gusting over 20mph now readily.
  10. missing a couple 0s at the end there
  11. Looks it. UUU gusting over 30, so likely a bit higher there.
  12. What's current heading? Looks like it may go just E of BID.
  13. 20mph peak gust thus far under that rain.
  14. Quick 0.43" under that band as it moved thru.
  15. we downgrade. Our 30 year drought goes on.
  16. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=subregional-New_England-01-24-0-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
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