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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Just knock these temps down a bit. I'm fine with highs around 80F through September. 90F+ becomes a bit much.
  2. Yep. Noticed Maples a couple weeks ago starting in some areas.
  3. Looks like we're in for another acorn pelt-fest. They're already raining down now.
  4. This is what people thought was hitting New England this past weekend based upon media and weather forecasts.
  5. Would love to have solar at house but roof faces due E which is not good. We have to design all new homes with solar-ready provisions which are in a nutshell 300sf roof area solely dedicated for panels. Their also needs to be conduit run from basement up into attic to be used for running any wiring up tp panels and down to electrical panel.
  6. We now have to hybrids(Lexus) and we’re also having an electric charging port installed in our new garage for the future knowing we’ll own an electric vehicle at some point.
  7. So it wasn’t the battery. Charged that for a full 24hrs and still the thing ran for about 10sec and turned off. Thinking a line dips clogged. Not sure why/how since what I added was all liquid.
  8. You can't get rid of fungus from a lawn. All you can do is grow it out and keep it under control with proper soil amendments.
  9. Straight up cash or finance? We just bailed on my lease. 38k mi in 18mo time. Yep, biting the bullet and moving on from leasing.
  10. Call me biased but I don't think the US can manufacture a long lasting vehicle these days. Ford trucks are about the only one I can think of.
  11. Failure. I had a window to drop herbicide and I got about 25% thru it and the sprayer started acting up on me and eventually stopped working all together. Now I have sprayer with 3 gallons still sitting in and no way to know what is going on withe sprayer. It’s brand new and was fully charged as far as I know. I charged battery last weekend overnight. Pissed off.
  12. We are screwed when a Cat 2 hits us.
  13. So I will have to subject myself to my 1st Covid test this Sunday. In order to move our daughter in to school we have to provide a negative PCR test within 72hrs of her move in date.
  14. 2.27" overnight added to the .75 on Sunday, 3.02" for storm. 8.67" for the month
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