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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. 50% Turf-type perennial Ryegrass, 20% Kentucky Bluegrass, 15% creeping red fescue, 15% Chewings fescue 34% Turf - Type Perennial Ryegrass, 33% Fine Fescues, 33% Shamrock KBG So the Rye, will likely be the first to germinate. The Bluegrass may take 2-3 weeks. The Fescue will be a little less than that.
  2. Depending upon seed mix used, it could be 5-10 days.
  3. Yeah, it takes longer but the results should be better. I'll probably do another overseed next year. I still have the other parts of my lawn that will need to be done next year once the contractors are all done. I still don't have a game plan on what will be lawn vs what will be garden beds.
  4. Overseed now. You need ~45 days for the roots to establish before frost/freeze. That puts you into mid-Oct now, which is probably after your 1st frost. Dethatching is a must for overseeding. You want to clear as much debris as you can to expose the soil below. Without good soil contact/cover, you risk the seed washing/blowing away and taking longer to germinate. The dethatchers you rent are scarifiers, that will also open up the soil for the seed to drop into. I also recommend running the dethatcher after seeding to cover the seed. Make sure to use a new seed fertilizer. And lastly, water, water, water the new seed. 2-3 times a day lightly at first to keep soil/seed moist. After it's germinated you can go longer/deeper and further between with watering.
  5. Dry line must have moved through. Dews just crashed like 7-8F over last hour. Was 63F at 11am and dropped to 54F at 12:15.
  6. This. Starting to see some hints of new grass growth. This sunny stretch will help.
  7. Wow. 0.93" here in TAN. 2-3" widespread call from NWS did not pan out.
  8. Life altering moment for just about every American that was cognizant of it. Still feels like yesterday in some respect.
  9. i don't see how this anniversary is any different than all the others.
  10. Definitely more convective looking. May get a little injection of energy from Mindy
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