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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Where you come up with this idea? You can't get it from a home air-conditioning system unless it's a water-based system.
  2. Storm split as it passed here. Just went Severe with it. Looks real nasty just S of here in the Wrentham area.
  3. Not alone in the squirrel destruction this year. Taking down twigs off the oaks. Bumper crop of the bastards this year too. See a good number dead each day as well. Bumper crop of acorns again too.
  4. Sitting at 8.47" MTD. Want to see if I can crack 9" before months end.
  5. That was fun to watch. I love Match Play.
  6. Why do we want it to be 50s during the day in September? Gimme 70s. Can do without the dews though.
  7. I do, but not sure why it's Offline https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KMAEASTT8
  8. https://www.weatherlink.com/map/shared/yfuKGjoDL05rzqclOcbmpfOFcV6F9DSW
  9. You were not 100% sure, just like me. Scooter basket only 1/2 full.
  10. We Davis. Solar panel is facing just N of due East. All the other crap will be gone once Patio is installed on opposite side of pool.
  11. Who is "we". I was just skeptical yesterday AM looking at modeling. Honestly expected 1/3 of what I got.
  12. 1.34" Over 8" now MTD (8.45") 3mo in a row now with greater than 8"
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