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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Nice day today to get pool closed. Low 70s. Dew in the low 60s.
  2. Pool closing 90% done. Just waiting on last bit of water to drain before putting the cover on.
  3. Just finished cutting over seeded lawn for 1st time. Looks phenomenal. Impressed with the results.
  4. Gotta go back 3 years to when TAN didn't have a low in the 30s in Sept. Sept 18th is mean date for <40F. Oct 1st, this AM, was the 1st this season, so about 2 weeks behind.
  5. Probably won't need to do a de-thatch in the Spring but let the lawn tell than, if it needs it. When soil temps get warm enough a shot of fertilizer, to wake up the lawn, will do (Mar-Apr) Late Spring feeding is when you want to apply your weed inhibitor. I'm not a fan of Spring seeding. New grass ends up having to compete with weeds and crabgrass, so I leave that till late Summer like this year. I'm coming up to 4 weeks since I over-seeded and the lawn looks phenomenal. I plan on cutting it this weekend. I ordered some of this that's being delivered nexy week https://www.amazon.com/Andersons-Complete-16-4-8-Fertilizer-sq-ft/dp/B07SYLCKRH I plan on dropping that either next week or the week after as my last lawn feeding of the season. I'll do the same next Spring for my 1st feeding.
  6. .05" overnight. 8.85: for the month, wettest month of the last few but all within 1/4" of each other. Consistently wet.
  7. 1st taste of Fall today. 1st day with a high in the 60s for me and it's only topped out at 61F. Gotta go back to July 3rd when I last had a high temp in the 60s.
  8. It's gonna happen in your lifetime.
  9. Looks like today may give the area it's lowest departure of the month
  10. Y'all live in the Arctic? My house was 70F with temps in the 50s outside. My AC probably kicked on.
  11. MEH. I got enough distractions going on in my life. Having to deal with snow is not one I want to have to add to my list.
  12. Glad we don't pick a random date in the month to start/stop record keeping. That would lead to a lot of confusion in a data driven field. June was a warm month as well, +3.6F, so not understanding your point All this nonsense at the start of this month, about back-broken, was nonsense. Sitting at +2.8F thru 28 days (and probably slightly higher with 9/8 data missing, +3.2F at EWB/OWD, +4.2F at PYM). That's not broke back, that's not seasonable. That's above normal and solidly at that. September will be virtually identical to August in the departure department, which many felt was too hot/humid. Same ole, same ole. Above average temperature regime hasn't been broken.
  13. I'd prefer to hold it off till February but that ain't happening, so I pushed it up a month
  14. Let's hold off any snow until after the New Year.
  15. https://www.energycodes.gov/status/commercial https://www.energycodes.gov/status/residential Any State that has adopted the IECC.
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