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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Why are people focused on fantasy snow when we are having one of the greatest extended stretches of Summer in recent memory.
  2. How big a company? I take issue with the likes of Walmart that are receiving billions in Federal subsidies while the Walton Family are all multi-billionaires and they screw their workers over.
  3. 2001 was the 1st time they were ever observed in the US, in PA. They're an invasive species. https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/veg/bean/brown_marmorated_stink_bug.htm
  4. Would love that here. Low 70s for us with some ocean influence.
  5. So much consternation over what one cannot control.
  6. Wolf Creek expected to open this weekend. https://wolfcreekski.com/snow-report-page/
  7. If you stop looking for a job for more than 4 weeks, you're no longer counted in the statistics the DOL puts out monthly.
  8. People are sitting on the sidelines and will come back when they feel safe to and are being paid what they feel they are worth through salaries, benefits, health insurance, paid medical leave, paid holiday, personal time, vacations. All industries have been hit but the Service Industry has been the hardest hit and these workers historically have not been treated well by employers.
  9. Not like its running 24/7. It just comes on when the thermostat hits 75F. We keep our house at 70F, so it'll cycle on a few times.
  10. No screens on my windows, so we only open windows till the sash-limiter is hit, which is about 4". We have cats that would take every opportunity to jump out a window. I have a fan set up to try any bring in outside air but blinds block it.
  11. Mines still running. House gets up to mid/upper 70s without it.
  12. Not enough skilled workers to fill these positions. You can't jus come off the street and drive a truck. Takes time/money to learn and earn your CDL license. It's a grueling job as well but the pay can be incredible. Heard the going pay for a new driver in 60-75K/yr now, where it was 40-50k just a couple years ago.
  13. They had the manager of the LA Port on NPR this AM. The port is at 100% capacity right now, so there is no room to bring in cargo. It's getting the materials out of the Port right now that's an issue. Need truck drivers.
  14. Any record highs in jeopardy today? I see TAN's record high for the day in 74F(2015), going back to 1998 when the station came online.
  15. We embrace the warmth. Cold is not required till January.
  16. Looks like Orange's avg low is 40F on this date. So you got a +11F for low at the site today. 63F is the avg high, so that'll be blown away too.
  17. Tolland an Otis are nice elevated plateau with a lot of swampy areas. Should be some good color there.
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