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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Germination will take longer with cooler days. I would have held off seeding where you are till next year. A good rule is you want to seed about 45 days ahead of your 1st frost. That would put your area at 1st week of September as optimal time period.
  2. When was it built? Ours was in 2003, so it's insulated pretty well. Stuff they build today is crazy more efficient than what was built even just 10 years ago.
  3. Getting close. 64F upstairs and 61F down this AM. May tonight depending upon on how it feels to me. I'm only one around, so I don't have wife to worry about.
  4. Yesterday was the 1st day the house temp didn't rebound during the day. Was 66F. We flip off AC.
  5. Gotta go back to May 31st when I last saw a daily high in the 50s.
  6. LOL, yesterday was the 1st comfortable feeling day in a while and we stilled pulled off a +5F.
  7. You can enjoy the motorcycle, but never ride/drive one. Same with weather.
  8. Today's weather is what I'd like year round. Toss in some warmer days, toss in a few colder days, but by-in-large, this month can't be beat in my mind.
  9. We have Mowvember and Dewcember to go through before Winter.
  10. I'm not in my 10s/20s anymore. I have no need for snow/winter. All it does is become an aggravation for day-to-day work/living. It can snow 24" but it needs to melt the next day.
  11. The supply chain woes are not confined to the US only. It's a global issue, so blaming China is short-sighted. Not going to get into the origins of the virus. I'll leave that to the professionals who are investigating it to come up with their conclusions. Right now, there is little we can to to free up the logjam until more people come back into the supply chain to move goods faster to where they need to be. Moving forward, we as nation, need to make a more concerted effort to bring manufacturing back into this Country. Globalization and the search for cheaper and cheaper labor by Corporations trying to increase their profit margins, have gotten us into this mess over the last several decades.
  12. horrible? These days are 10/10. No need for a jacket when you're out leaf peepin'.
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