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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Bring on the rains. It's been a drier stretch for last 2-1/2 weeks.
  2. Made some of my 1st turns skiing there when I was 5. They used to had a t-bar across the street from base lodge. Did majority of my teenage skiing there. Was great when Shawnee bought them in the late 80s and added lights. Used to from 4-10 and shred the mountain top to bottom because it was virtually empty.
  3. Why you no toast by NA offerings? Athletic Brewing is pretty damn good. You would not know it's NA from flavor, not bland at all.
  4. Here is some huge news. Chet Homer is stepping aside as Owner of Shawnee Peak after 27 years. Boyne Resorts has purchased Shawnee Peak and will be running the mountain moving forward. Hopefully this will bring some more capital to make continued improvements to the mountain.
  5. Yup. I'm so far removed from any Winter activities, snow is useless.
  6. Snow other than looking pretty while falling is pretty useless to me. Nothing more than an aggravation at this stage of my life.
  7. No more kid to worry about, so have at it. And the less kids I have coming to the house the better. No need for hundreds coming like we normally see.
  8. Senior in HS. Probably wrapping up Fall Soccer. Was not a weather geek than. No recollection if storm. Read book and saw movie many years later.
  9. it might never snow again this time last year we were in the early stages of tracking our 1st snow in SNE
  10. 70F at home 73F at TAN 73F at PYM 73F at EWB 73F at OWD My surrounding Davis stations I have tagged are all 72-73F
  11. Not mine. TAN. Although Scooter did question the rain I received earlier this month.
  12. How's this compare to OWD. TAN seems to track closely to there.
  13. Well it looks like TAN temps are ok per Gladstone, so maybe it's the siting that is impacting it. Nearest structure/pavement at TAN is like 300' away.
  14. But if the canopy is solid enough to block solar radiation, than it will be cooler. https://weather.gladstonefamily.net/site/KTAN
  15. Why do you say that? This time of year, the side yard where my Davis is gets like 1-2hrs of sunlight. It's been running cooler than other stations around me by 2-3F now for a month plus.
  16. https://www.newenglandskiindustry.com/viewstory.php?storyid=917 Yeah, hard pass on spending $170 for a ticket.
  17. How many people you know got a 5.7% pay hike this year? Cause if you didn't you actually got a pay cut from inflation.
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