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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Impressive warmth for the month. On;y 4 days avereaged below normal. Ended up month +5.2F and 8.43" of rain
  2. Halloween insanity has returned. Couple hundred this year.
  3. ? https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/29/weather/northern-southern-lights-us-europe-wx-scn/index.html
  4. What an sweet day to end the month. TORCH!
  5. Anything prior to Jan 1st is gravy here.
  6. See if November can keep the trend of wet and warm going.
  7. there's a reason oak is popular for hardwood flooring.
  8. I loathe oaks. Stupid acorns and the leaves stay on the them right into Spring.
  9. Just take 'em all down. I hate having large trees too close to my house having to worry about one falling and damaging it.
  10. They weren't reported to Mass.gov or MEMA TMLP https://www.tmlp.com/
  11. While there was damage, it was not widespread. I've said I think it was the consistency of the higher gusts that led to more damage than normal. From my own experience in these high wind events we only see a couple high gusts, this storm seemed to have these stronger gusts quite frequently. I also think TB12s area may have fared worse than mine seeing that he's further N than where I am. I don't disagree that the gusts were higher 50-100' up, but we don't measure winds there. The few trees I saw damaged were a Spruce, notoriously easy to snap, weakened oaks, white pines, or more exposed trees where a limb or multiple truck can be easily snapped off.
  12. Absolutely pouring now...you should have no problem getting it Soild downpour. Only 1/2" away.
  13. Power was only off for a few hours here. TB12 different story.
  14. We do. We don't measure the winds meteorologically at tree level.
  15. My Davis and TAN say otherwise. 45 at home and 46 TAN
  16. I grew up in the 80s and had plenty of fun enjoying what was laid in front of me. Did plenty of downhill skiing and it was great. Didn't know a damn thing if we were in a snow drought or not and I would not have cared.
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