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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. What a gorgeous AM. Upper 50s. Felt nice stepping outside not having to wear a coat.
  2. Another below 30F AM. Low of 28.5F. Bugs are definitely dead now.
  3. These are fun. Gonna be a lot of new faces together for the 1st time. Been a few tears since I hit one of these up in Boston. It's about 1:15 drive for me.
  4. You talk about Phil and I think Phil Burt.
  5. Past experience watching how models tend to handle storms in this lead time. 7-10 days. They always seem to end up further eastward. Could be due to sampling of upstream data off the west coast, where we are reliant on satellite data.
  6. Like the last storm threat, this will trend offshore
  7. Probably shoot for shortly after 2. Gonna be driving @TauntonBlizzard2013 and potentially @butterfish55 (game time decision)
  8. Is "Atmospheric River" the new hot weather term? News seems fixated on using the term for the storms that have been hitting the west coast.
  9. NWS heading out today to do field surveys
  10. That sucks. No wind at all. Cleaned up mine this AM, no issues with them being wet. Blew them into a line and raked onto a tarp and dumped in woods. Mowed and it looks great.
  11. Holy shit that's nuts. 0.86" here and TAN with 0.82". That's 3x as much over 20 miles.
  12. Only my Maples have dropped leaves. Some oaks but they are still 90% full.
  13. No moths here. Banner snows coming for ASEMATT
  14. Plethora of them here. Just as bad as last year.
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