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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. Don, Your winter storms photos site is absolutely LEGENDARY!
  2. Need a little help diggin' out? I could be up there in a day.
  3. Might want to keep your eyes on the models. March 5-6 could be something else for the Mid Atlantic Region. Dont put the shovels and snowblowers away just yet! I think you guys are gonna get shellacked by heavy snow!
  4. NICE STORM! If that is sleet, you can expect it to compact and transform into a glacier. Then you'll be forced to walk like a penguin, or else slide around on it like a lemming as you try to descend hills. I remember 1994 all too well. Those ice mountains in front of the cars, will have to be picked thru with a pick the hard way by tomorrow morning. You could also use a Jebman Shovel........
  5. This has been one interesting week or so. We hit 6 for a low one night. We had highs in the upper teens one day. We got a third of an inch of ice yesterday. We got 6.5 inches snow Sunday night. We got an inch and a half of snow today. Our normal snow here is three quarters of an inch of snow in an entire season. There are still snowpacked roads down here. Everything froze last night real hard and the driveway turned to ice. We have frozen pipes too, have to get water from a neighbor. It has really been intriguing. I never expected all this snow and ice down here. Its surreal. The park where I watch soccer games all the time, now has 2 foot snowdrifts and icicles hanging off the benches where I cheer all the soccer goals! What has been causing all this down here? Is it the polar vortex of doom? Lol
  6. Lol I might have to visit some time.
  7. 27 degrees with moderate to heavy snow here. Big big aggregates! Picked up another inch on top of the ice on the old snowpack. That's 9.5 inches snow on the season which puts us at something like ~ 1600 percent of normal.
  8. Congrats to you all in the Mid Atlantic! You have a decent Winter Storm Warning! You're gonna get at least 6 inches of snow! I got smacked last night with another third of an inch of solid ice! More ZR, sleet and snow on the way here tonight, tomorrow! lol You'd never know where I am is in south central Texas, not with all the snow and ice and winter storms!
  9. I just saw your forecast! I hope you guys get so shellacked by torrential snows that you cant even get out of your house for a week! (Without the power outages, of course) Where I am, its 23 degrees with a 19 degree dewpoint and freezing rain is about to begin. Its just winter storm after winter storm down here. After we get shut down by ice, its coming for the Mid Atlantic next!
  10. I hope you get a decent thump of snow!
  11. Its 26 degrees with a 16 degree dewpoint as even MORE ZR gets ready to unload in South central Texas. Roads are snowpacked. I really do not think I will be doing any jebwalking tonight.
  12. Mid Atlantic is gonna get a good snow shellacking.
  13. Just got power back. We got 6.5 inches of snow. Drifts are 18 inches. Full sunshine and only 21 degrees lol.
  14. Snow is slowing down a little now, 9 degrees, winds are all over the place, measuring snow is going to be a challenge. Might have to take about 100 readings then average them lol. Looks like about 6 inches easy, may be 7. Will look over the trained spotter reports later, refine and tweak my findings. Snow still coming down, not quite as crazy hard. Got a BIG 8 inch drift on the deck. Might have to get a Deck Pic or two later.
  15. Absolutely POURING BIG flakes, wind is just blowing big snowflakes all over in the porch lights! Its 10 degrees with approximate -11 to -15 wind chills. Mets, please correct me if that is overstated. ITS FRACKIN COLD out there! I went out to get a snow depth reading only 20-30 min ago ----- MY FOOTPRINTS ARE TOTALLY OBLITERATED! Ground landmarks are disappearing lol. That snow is on the ATTACK! I think I just may be getting totally shellacked.
  16. 11 degrees, pouring snow, wind is just blowing all those aggregates past the lights, and we have almost 4 inches! We have now received over 800 percent of normal seasonal snowfall here! NWS here mentioned some places might get over 6 inches. I might just have to stay up all night to find out lol.
  17. Now 12 degrees with moderate to heavy snow. Winds really blowing snow off the roofs and all over the ground. Drifts are forming. This is only 2-3 inches of snow, but this is a LOT for this part of the US. I apologize for the poor quality of this video, but this is my very first ever on youtube. You guys said I better have pics, or it never happened.
  18. 13 degrees now and pretty heavy snow. I went out there and just breathed in a deep deep breath of 14-degree snow filled air! Wow all the myriads of flakes in the outside lights! I think we just might be getting 2 inch per hour rates. At least 2 inches out there right now and really coming down, just blowing and blowing past the big light out in the field! I really want the Mid Atlantic Region to get totally shellacked by huge HUGE snow aggregates, hour upon hour upon hour, in nice frigid conditions. I am sure you guys are gonna get hit hard soon and very soon.
  19. I kid you not. I just saw lightning and clearly heard thunder. Now it's snowing pretty hard, and the winds are gusting and blowing snow off the roofs and ground so much, its kind of like having a whiteout. This is so surreal, its unbelievable. Still 14 degrees.
  20. I have an inch on the ground now. Rather large aggregates mixing into the snow. Its 14 degrees with 11 degree dewpoints, 30 mph wind gusts, I think the wind chills are running about -2 to -8. Some of the snow is getting blown around. Its really hard to believe I am in Buda Texas and not in Dale City Virginia, or even in Upstate New York.
  21. I feel very, very badly for those not getting snow. I lived in N VA for 50 plus years. I know the feeling very well. But down here in south central Texas, I have gotten used to the climate here. I even enjoy watching outdoor soccer games in 100 degree weather, believe it or not, lol. I think it just may be possible, that I am turning into an old man. It almost seems as if we are dealing with a forerunner of the Day After Tomorrow lol. Its 18 degrees, dewpoint 15, winds gusting out of the north at 35 mph at times. Its fairly chilly out. The sleet has changed to all snow. That frigid wind is gusting the snow right past our streetlight. Its supposed to get down in the single numbers tonight then struggle to reach the upper teens tomorrow. Not really sure whats going on down here. More freezing rain is forecast for Tuesday night or Wednesday. Roads are bad enough now, with fzdz on them then a layer of fine sleet then snow on top of that. I think I have a half inch of snow but its blowing around. Mid Atlantic is going to get smashed by heavy snow soon enough. By the time this winter finally subsides in mid April, everyone will be craving spring. You guys on the Mid Atlantic are gonna get plenty of Siberian air before this is over, and far more snow than us Southerners lmao! And ice, and sleet, and high winds blowing so damn much snow that you'll get lost in your own back yard in Dale City!
  22. Its down to 19 degrees with north winds to 35mph, wind chills below zero ------ and a lot of sleet. I'm sure there will be papers written on this storm in Texas that likely will dump massive amounts of snow in north Texas, but here in south central, looks like a lot of very fine sleet, falling very thickly, whipped about by brutal northerly winds. I think I will probably get about an inch of sleet if I'm lucky lol. The sleet is so fine, its drifting all over, gets blown off the roof. When I went outside for a jebwalk I got a full faceful of sleet that got blown off the roof. Even so this is truly amazing, here I am in south central Texas, where the average temps are 64/44 this time of year, got low 20s all day and falling, and now the bottom is dropping out of the thermometer as we fall into the single numbers, with highs tomorrow that may not even get out of the teens! That would figure to be some 44-50 degrees below normal tomorrow for HIGHS! This is no time to be driving around down here where I dont even think they have plows for roads!
  23. Try the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I LOVED visiting that place so much, long happy beach jebwalks there.......
  24. You may not realize this just yet, but winter is gonna get awesome there this season. This arctic airmass is just getting started. The Greenland Block ain't going nowhere. Not for weeks and weeks.
  25. 20 degrees with all sleet, very fine stuff that the wind is blowing all over the place. Its gonna be tough to measure. Winds are north to 30 mph. Wind chill is about 5 above zero. So surreal down here in the Deep South.
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