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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. Well Bostonians were laughing at our snow drought, and the snow gods didnt appreciate that........
  2. I have placed this in Banter because it may or may not obtain. This is an excerpt from Larry Cosgrove's weather newsletter. https://groups.google.com/g/weatheramerica/c/02shLHstC-8 It's engrossing and compulsive reading. If it IS realized... Everyone had better stock up on whatever it is you use to stay awake for days and days because we are going to be chasing model runs very soon! This may develop into a STORM MODE magnitude blizzard. The end phase of the current La Nina episode is beginning, the circumpolar vortex continues to show a "rubber band" elasticity, and the subtropical jet stream appears to be energizing. These events, and the recent expansion of the snow field in Russia and North America are solid indicators of a colder, and likely stormier, turn in weather over the lower 48 states. I will caution you that a more wintry period probably will not last all that long (3 to 4 weeks), since all model guidance for February in the lower 48 states is warmer (retreat of Arctic air into Canada). A key feature is the possibility of a "triple phase" weather event affecting the eastern third of the continent in the 11-15 day time frame. With blocking signatures in the -EPO (Alaska), -AO (Northwest Territories and Nunavut AR), and -NAO (Greenland) positions, energy coming across the Pacific Northwest should be forced into the south central U.S., coming into contact with the aforementioned southern branch nearing Baja California. A cAk vortex nearing James Bay may be pushed into Ontario and Michigan, leaving open the possibility of contact with any disturbance moving along the Gulf Coast and then up and just off of the Atlantic shoreline. The ensemble platforms have hinted at this possibility for about ten days now (that is a long time in terms of numerical model profiling), so I have decent confidence that something akin to a major winter storm will occur in the longer term. The chief area of interest would be from the Great Lakes region into the Mid-South, Appalachia and the Interstate 95 corridor above Fayetteville NC. Now if you think this areal coverage is too much and too far south, just take a look at the past two episodes involving heavy snowfall. Typically in this type of set-up, the coldest air is found along and to the right of the Rocky Mountains. As long as ridging holds across the western U.S., the greatest chill will occur along and east of a line from Edmonton AB to Laredo TX. A subsidence inversion may develop through the Intermountain Region, in association with +PNA ridging, creating seemingly endless bouts of Tule fog and low-level chilly temperatures.
  3. That 1996 Bliz coverage on TWC was truly EPIC - At least a hundred Bob Chill Faces EPIC! Just Wow! I was up all night, all day.
  4. The only color that matters is the beautiful blue white of deep snow in the Mid Atlantic. I've been long tellin you you were gonna get annihilated by snow. You got more, A LOT MORE comin this winter!
  5. Keep on tracking it, keep on believing in it, its gonna evolve for you all! It just wants to snow in the Mid Atlantic! Old Man Winter said To hell with the Nina! It's STILL going to be a fierce, frigid, very very snowy winter in the Mid Atlantic this winter!
  6. I have really adapted to south Texas, dewpoint is back up to 60 degrees and I am overjoyed, heretical as that statement may sound coming from me lol, I still am pulling for the Mid Atlantic to get a lot of heavy powder snow with a lot of Siberian cold! Ji is one of the finest posters on this board! This place would never be the same without him! You got lots of Big Ones on the way, Pattern is setting up later this month! It just wants to snow In DC and the rest of the Mid Atlantic!
  7. I love weather to death. First my late dad was upset about my snow obsession, now I live with my brother, I get the line about Dont make an IDOL out of weather geeze. I love weather so much, I wanna obsess all my life then happily burn in hell for eternity. It would be worth it. I dont like God, I love The WEATHER! I have so many obsessions, I have an obsession about obsessions. Now its Gardening, love tomatoes. Workin in the Texas sun in August down here. Now delivery. I tried out Doordash, totally obsessed. I'll NEVER grow up. I will obsess and obsess and obsess. I wasted all our family money on therapy. I am a total waste of money and I am PROUD of this, in the end, I still obsess about the snow and floods and will never EVER listen! I am totally terminal and rebellious. I'll proclaim to God's Face that I love snow forever, then proudly march straight into my very own Judgment for ever. I will NEVER learn! I will set the Record straight forever: I love snow, I love floods like Harvey, I got off on the water rising so damn much it was unbelievable. I jumped for JOY over Harvey, and Hurricane Matthew in Florida! Those YouTube videos were the joy of my disaster loving life! I was absolutely obsessed over EVER weather disaster known to man, all my life! I love severe ice storms too! Man those tires spinning on the ice, all the acrid smoke! There's nothing like watching a car spin on an icy road! One thing that I find extremely fulfilling personally, is people stuck on I-95 during a major blizzard replete with high winds, record amounts of snow and severe wind chills! No one in this world is nearly as happily obsessed especially with challenging winter weather, as I! I turn 58 this year! I'll NEVER ever learn! I will NEVER get even the smallest of clues! I wish million year blizzards on Northern Virginia! I love you guys in the Mid Atlantic to get demolished by snowstorm after snowstorm after snowstorm after snowstorm after snowstorm after snowstorm after snowstorm!!!!! I'd like to see people in Dale City have to crawl out their 2nd floor windows just to get out of the house! I hope you guys end up with one of the baddest winters on record! A Pattern is developing that will set records potentially, for cold and for snow all over the Eastern Seaboard! Every time it snows in Northern Virginia, I dance around as though I just won 2.6 Billion dollars in the D.C. Lottery! You all get the picture. I am crazy obsessed with Weather, and everything else I like. No one on this planet is nearly as crazy obsessed with snow and all weather, as The Jebman. Beautiful Hurricane Michael coverage Wow another one
  8. I wore that damn number out. My thermometer was crap.
  9. It will happen, it will demolish the entire Mid Atlantic with Vodka Cold and seriously heavy snow - and it shall be dubbed The PSU Hoffman Blizzard of 2022.
  10. I remember Gordon Barnes. Wow I am VERY old lol
  11. Better get a yardstick! Better yet, GET TWO yardsticks! Stock up on snowboards too! You're gonna lose them in so much snow!
  12. Dale City is 28 degrees right now with a pristine 10 degree dewpoint. Good for keeping that snowpack in great shape! Pile it all up, dig it and pile it on the north side of sunlight blockin' objects like an old car no one ever drives, the house, bushes, get it piled up! Gonna be doin' a LOT of diggin this winter!
  13. You're gonna get more. Count on it. This month is gonna be something indeed in the entire Mid Atlantic Region. I think Feb might be too.
  14. Good times. I used to LOVE the wonderful sound of tires spinning so hard in wonderful deep snow! I would laugh at it til I had tears runnin out of my eyes and my friends would shake their heads. The '96 bliz was hardship for lots of folks and I thought the entire thing was so hilarious! I was blasting my music per usual, played one particular song, Saturday Night's Alright for Fightin' so damned many times because it reminded me of people getting stuck in snow, fighting for parking spaces, it drove my neighbors CRAZY as sh!t. I was happily digging people out like Clark Kent while blasting that damn song so loud! It drove so many people nuts that a few of my church friends had nothing to do with me EVER again! Not everyone comprehends our crazy hobby, and I am SOOOOOO obsessed with the weather in general lol.
  15. Yeah south Texas homes are not built for lows in the single digits or HIGHS barely reaching 20 lol. Lots of burst pipes last Feb down here. We were so fortunate. No pipes burst, though the outdoor water lines froze. The donkey water containers had three inches of ice on them, had to resort to using a sledge on then to break thru the ice lol.
  16. It was very very fun living your snowstorm vicariously! I am hoping you guys keep getting demolished by heavy snow! I am doing very well, I have adapted to living here in south central Texas. Because I spent so much time in hot very humid weather in the summer, its amazing how cold 50 degree weather starts to feel. I still like snow though, and will always be pulling for the Mid Atlantic Region to get buried ALIVE by Parrs Ridge Powder!
  17. Stock up on whatever it is you drink to stay awake. Because you are gonna be awake for days and days tracking this.
  18. Its been damned COLD in south central Texas, problem is, we have been SO spoiled utterly rotten for so long with 82/68 dewpoints!!!!!!!!! I actually thought it was chilly with a south wind comin in off the GoM, with 72/67 conditions late at night at midnight in late December! I realize this is heresy, coming from me...........But I want those 68 degree dewpoints BACK in Buda for a couple of days, along with 83 degree ambient temps. This is what happens when you work outside in south Texas summers for three years running. I'm used to it, I work out there in mid August heat like I grew up down here lol
  19. Massive deathband! Annihilation cometh!
  20. I hope you all get absolutely demolished tonight!
  21. In Dale City we had 14 inches on Jan 22, then on Jan 25/26 we were supposed to get 14-16 but got 10. I was doing jebwalks til exhaustion! It was my very first winter on my own far away from my Dad and you better bet I was out walkin in the deep snow! I was diggin snow, I was rolling around in it in the broad daylight! That was about the time everyone started callin me weatherman in Dale City lmao. I was digging snow all over! I attempted to clear the ENTIRE Giant Food parking lot in the middle of the Jan 22 snowstorm in 1987! I was so young and full of energy towards the snow! The manager there was happy - I solved all his problems! I was so excited, I jebwalked from Dale City to Woodbridge, Woodbridge to Dale City, blasting Elton John, ELO, Billy Joel songs all the way at full blast! I jebwalked all over proudly wielding a Jebman Shovel, sliding on any ice I found, striding thru any drifts I found! I was in true snow weenie HEAVEN! Ever since Dale City got the 12 inches of snow a few days ago, I have been blasting Livin Thing by ELO day and frackin' night here in Buda, TX! Whenever The Mid Atlantic gets blasted by heavy snow - All is right in the world! I blast those same songs EVERY time you guys get hit! You're gonna need a Bigger shovel, becuase you're gonna get hit again, and again, by more snow! The Mid Atlantic is on a heater! You guys REALLY need to BLAST this at 980 decibels!
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