That. First. Pic. is now gracing my laptop. I got at least three copies. One of these days, before I get perilously too frackin' OLD, I have absolutely GOT to check out a LIVE honest to goodness real-life Lake Effect Snow Event as it is unfolding in all its glory, roll around in the LES while residents of the lake effect areas wonder who in the fook is this crazy, CRAZY old man rollin in the snow in 5 degree temperatures, in the 65 mph wind gusts, in the middle of one of the absofrookinlutely WORST lake effect events of all time! I will then discover all up close and personal, what a real life severe lake effect snow event REALLY IS LIKE! I'll proceed to take about 7,000 digital pics then crash the American Weather Forums server when I manage to upload all the wonderful pics! I might have to show those plows how to dig snow! That damn CENSOR needs to be destroyed! This aint no church!