They think YOU are a lunatic! They should have seen ME spending hours jebwalking in frigid weather trying to will the storm over us! I remember one time with friends a few years ago, went to Massanutten, we were coming back, it was the middle of Presidents Day II, we were on I 81 in near whiteout conditions! Everyone was praying for a let up. I was praying for the storm to intensify and then sit over us for two weeks. Talk about lunatic! Many of my friends back in that time remarked that they had never seen someone as crazy OBSESSED with snow, as me, EVER! I was, a TRUE BELIEVER, a TRUE SNOW LUNATIC of the worst kind, loved snow to the total exclusion of everything else and everyone else and the people I was with on that ski trip WERE EFFIN' SICK OF IT! I am The Father of true snow lunatics without a doubt! I am a total loss! I never grew up and probably never will and will in all likelihood, die utterly without knowledge or enlightenment and I am very, very PROUD of it, to the very last!