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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. I wish the storm STALLED - then began to retrograde southwest, then the sub got into the deform, for about 30 hours.. Sure I'm a snow weenie at heart
  2. Can't even imagine what BOS'll be like with 4 inch an hour rates, and 70 mph gusts - it'll be a straight on MILKSHAKE FROTH, visibility will be completely shot to hell - The WHITE HURRICANE of 2022. A snow enthusiast could easily get disorientated in that situation - get lost only yards from his door - easily freeze to death because of the wind chill and the blowing snow literally blinding him! (I spelled disoriented that way intentionally, just love Bear Grylls to no end, he says disorientated, and I would just LOVE to get disorientated in the blowing snow!)
  3. Jayyy whats this thing gonna be doin around 1130am CT?
  4. Everything is well. I am very sorry about your friend who also loved the snow. Enjoy the storm, looks to be pretty massive!
  5. You guys call this the James storm. Who is James?
  6. This cam at OC shows the snow and the wind https://oceancitylive.com/ocean-city-webcams/days-inn-boardwalk/
  7. Don't miss the snow! Drink straight black coffee.
  8. Any snow is the benchmark warranting a jebwalk. Blast your favorite music on headphones, especially if the song reminds you of snow! No amount of snow is too little or too much! I imagine tonight and tomorrow avid snowlovers will be out jebwalking even in Bos, even in 24 inches and in 70 mph wind gusts! I would! There is no max. Keep right on jebwalking no matter how deep the snow or how severe the bomb cyclone!
  9. A 7foot drift in front of my neighbors house in GB16! Guess who she got to dig her out? She asked for Jebman Standards lol. I was very very busy for a while, lol
  10. Bos is gonna get buried alive, 3 feet with 70 mph gusts. That's a lot even for them. I might have to dig em out, using Jebman Standards
  11. I just PDF'd the BOX AFD. Just wow. Ridiculous, even for them.
  12. That AFD out of Bos is something straight out of The Day After Tomorrow. Thats gonna be no place for a jebwalk.
  13. They think YOU are a lunatic! They should have seen ME spending hours jebwalking in frigid weather trying to will the storm over us! I remember one time with friends a few years ago, went to Massanutten, we were coming back, it was the middle of Presidents Day II, we were on I 81 in near whiteout conditions! Everyone was praying for a let up. I was praying for the storm to intensify and then sit over us for two weeks. Talk about lunatic! Many of my friends back in that time remarked that they had never seen someone as crazy OBSESSED with snow, as me, EVER! I was, a TRUE BELIEVER, a TRUE SNOW LUNATIC of the worst kind, loved snow to the total exclusion of everything else and everyone else and the people I was with on that ski trip WERE EFFIN' SICK OF IT! I am The Father of true snow lunatics without a doubt! I am a total loss! I never grew up and probably never will and will in all likelihood, die utterly without knowledge or enlightenment and I am very, very PROUD of it, to the very last!
  14. You do not suck as an Administrator. In fact I think you are the best Administrator on an online message board, that I have ever known. I believe many on here would agree.
  15. Get everyone in this sub pulling that storm west. We'll WILL this one home!
  16. Definitely NO apology needed. Nothing anyone does on this board can possibly be worse than that crap I pulled in 2008 on the old board. I should have been banned forever and ever and ever.
  17. Get those shovels ready! Stock up on ice melter, food and beers! Get ready for some rousing jebwalks! You all are about to be absolutely blinded by huge, huge three inch aggregates blasting on a northeasterly gale right past the streetlights! NEVER GIVE UP ON SNOW! You are gonna get it!
  18. In the byline to this thread's topic, someone stated, 'probably not'. I say, It probably WILL!
  19. Someone needs to go drag The Reaper back into the Mid Atlantic. There is NO retirement! The Reaper is ETERNAL! Reaper what dont you understand about E-T-E-R-N-A-L anyway?????????? You need to get back here yesterday and start Reapin big-time! You DON'T Die, and You DON'T get tired. and YOU DON'T RETIRE! Reaper you got a job to do! Get to it! Or else.
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