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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. That, is the kind of mammoth styled blizzard I have long been yearning for you guys to get demolished by for years!
  2. CONGRATULATIONS! Enjoy that snow!
  3. I did cheerlead the 16 inches over the entire sub. I am sorry my forecast was wrong. But you did get 8 inches though.
  4. Enjoy that jebwalk! I am so happy for you guys right now! I got mad at the sleet earlier but now its Dec 31 1999 all over again! YOU GOT 10 INCHES of pow! Wooooooooo-Hooooooooooooo!
  5. Wow Deck Pic you look like you are up in Watertown on a Lake Effect Snow Band chase! Excellent pic!
  6. Love this! Lots of people have reported 8 to 10 inches. Nice storm after all. So happy many ended up with a good snow after all. Looks like the ULL pass was the icing on the snowy cake!
  7. Love this with all my snow loving heart, will likely cherish it forever. I wub Christmas lights in the snow!
  8. Hey everyone. Please don't forget to pile those dendrites up. Pile them on the north sides of sunlight blocking objects like your car, the house, the shed. Pile them high. The idea is to have piles of snow all ready for the next storm, which may bring you all more accumulating snows! Shovel your walk, the driveway, the entire road if you have to, and pile it all up nice and high. Maybe even increase the depth of your snowpack, spread it around then pack it down. The entire Sub, is a northern Snow Town!
  9. In retrospect the storm was kind of a let down after we got the SLEET, having been assured multiple times, that hey there is no way on earth that the SLEET was ever gonna get up into Northern Virginia, too damn much cold air. But last night was pure gold. I have never seen this sub so happy. I felt like it was 1987 all over again, I was a young man able to walk 6 mph for hours and shovel out half of Dale City with a 14 inch blizzard on the way. I was in total snow heaven and the entire sub was jumping like it was December 31, 1999 at the hippest party I have ever experienced! Last night was one in infinity, right up until that horrid pinging SLEET invasion came along destroying snow accumulation dreams like the Banda Aceh Tsunami. But at least everyone got some snow. At least one person got to see 12 inches. I think Dale City eked out 6 inches. Its better than nothing. But just the THOUGHT that we could have had that PRECIOUS 16 INCHES! To break a back trying to shovel! To jebwalk in deep snow, getting beatdown right in the face with huge snow aggregates coming down so damn hard you can't even see where you are going! I hate sleet. I hate warm noses and any other POS that gets in the way of the Mid Atlantic SUB getting a truly Brobdingnagian amount of powder snow. One item that was particularly galling, was that we sacrificed inches of precious snow on that damn DRY COLUMN at the start where we were all CRYING the MOST for snow! Some waited hours and hours! All that DRY FRIGID AIR! We sacrificed snow for dry air, finally it reached the ground, we got a few inches then that DAMNED SLEET came smashing in, obliterated the snow party like no other! Crushing dreams NINE FRACKING YEARS IN THE MAKING, while people patiently endured hours of useless PIXIE DUST and sleet pellets! I can't BEGIN to tell you all HOW MUCH I LOATHE THAT ACCURSED SLEET. I hate it. I truly do. Damn. We waited NINE YEARS for this. That Base State is horrid, It might be 2034 before we get another storm like this. Times have changed. I'll be 69 old years old, if indeed I am still alive. Need to add something here. We ended up with with some sleet and some lulls BUT this storm HAS turned out to meet the NWS forecasts after all. Many places are getting totals of 8 to 12 inches of snow. The ULL pass is helping many, and this has turned out to be a very good storm. I am so happy for this sub but I still wish you all could have gotten 16. That, would have been truly EPIC, but 8 to 12 inches of snow is a damn good storm!! Enjoy it! You have another system coming, but I will be more cautious and just say I hope it brings you more pure powder snow.
  10. That's what I'm talkin' about!!!!
  11. I am holding out hope that backend adds more snow to everyone's totals.
  12. That's true. They were talking about where the banding set up. I guess the forecast was good. BUT they didn't say anything about the dreaded pingers. We all thought the sleet was gonna stay safely south. Of course N VA had to have some sleet. And guess what? Yeah. The sleet cut down on totals. I hate warm noses, or whatever caused the accursed sleet.
  13. It's because nws started saying 16 inches in parts of North Virginia. I was so happy about this, that I got so fooking elated, that last night in 29 degree conditions in 53 mph wind gusts and -22 wind chills, that I was damn near close to running naked on Main Street in Buda at 3am! Then that damned SLEET crapped the bed! Damn sleet! It was supposed to stay south. Dale City is not a snow town. It's a sleet town. It's like playing the mega millions for years and still ending up poor as shyte after all. Sometimes I wish I lived on Mammoth Mountain. They never get the sleet. They get 450 inches of pow a year.
  14. If it was me again in Dale City I would take no chances, and no prisoners. I would go out there and dig every fracking flake of snow I could find. I would shovel the driveway, the walk, even the whole damn road! I would pile that precious snow on the north sides of sunlight blocking objects, and pile it crazy high. You know when you live in Northern Virginia you gotta make the best of things, and man did I fucking embarrass the fook out of everyone back when I was so young and I worshipped snow like Bitcoin and prompts today. My late dad used to cry when I got into this mode. You gotta get out there. You gotta dig it. You gotta dog it. You gotta get every last flake. I lived in Dale City and you better believe I knew where I lived, and it sure was not Mammoth Ski Resort. I went out and I dug snow til my arm fell off and my back was obliterated. I piled snow until I KNEW I would have snow in my yard until August, until people stared at crazy Jebman and gaped, with their lower jaws resting on the ground.
  15. Pingers are a real punch right in the GUT. Now we hope and hope and hope and hope on the 2nd round. But some folks got super lucky and piled on snow. But, sleet is like having a hot sister.
  16. See you all in about 5 hours. Rack up that snow! I just had a microsleep and the damn tablet hit me hard in the face. Damn I need a nap, lull or no lull.
  17. Wow man you are racking it up!
  18. You'll hit a foot. Maybe even a couple inches over.
  19. I hope with all my heart that that feature closes off to the south for about twelve hours. I want you guys to get totally obliterated by torrential snows!
  20. You'll get it. You will end up in the lower to mid teens.
  21. You got a heck of a lot more coming. You're gonna need a bigger shovel.
  22. You're about to get snow that WILL attain double digits, and you are really looking at the next thing. We are a bunch of really highly enthusiastic dedicated people that happen to like the snow.
  23. Pile it up! Dig snow, stack those beautiful dendrites up!
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