In retrospect the storm was kind of a let down after we got the SLEET, having been assured multiple times, that hey there is no way on earth that the SLEET was ever gonna get up into Northern Virginia, too damn much cold air. But last night was pure gold. I have never seen this sub so happy. I felt like it was 1987 all over again, I was a young man able to walk 6 mph for hours and shovel out half of Dale City with a 14 inch blizzard on the way. I was in total snow heaven and the entire sub was jumping like it was December 31, 1999 at the hippest party I have ever experienced! Last night was one in infinity, right up until that horrid pinging SLEET invasion came along destroying snow accumulation dreams like the Banda Aceh Tsunami.
But at least everyone got some snow. At least one person got to see 12 inches. I think Dale City eked out 6 inches. Its better than nothing. But just the THOUGHT that we could have had that PRECIOUS 16 INCHES! To break a back trying to shovel! To jebwalk in deep snow, getting beatdown right in the face with huge snow aggregates coming down so damn hard you can't even see where you are going!
I hate sleet. I hate warm noses and any other POS that gets in the way of the Mid Atlantic SUB getting a truly Brobdingnagian amount of powder snow.
One item that was particularly galling, was that we sacrificed inches of precious snow on that damn DRY COLUMN at the start where we were all CRYING the MOST for snow! Some waited hours and hours! All that DRY FRIGID AIR! We sacrificed snow for dry air, finally it reached the ground, we got a few inches then that DAMNED SLEET came smashing in, obliterated the snow party like no other! Crushing dreams NINE FRACKING YEARS IN THE MAKING, while people patiently endured hours of useless PIXIE DUST and sleet pellets!
I can't BEGIN to tell you all HOW MUCH I LOATHE THAT ACCURSED SLEET. I hate it. I truly do. Damn. We waited NINE YEARS for this. That Base State is horrid, It might be 2034 before we get another storm like this. Times have changed. I'll be 69 old years old, if indeed I am still alive.
Need to add something here.
We ended up with with some sleet and some lulls BUT this storm HAS turned out to meet the NWS forecasts after all. Many places are getting totals of 8 to 12 inches of snow. The ULL pass is helping many, and this has turned out to be a very good storm. I am so happy for this sub but I still wish you all could have gotten 16. That, would have been truly EPIC, but 8 to 12 inches of snow is a damn good storm!! Enjoy it! You have another system coming, but I will be more cautious and just say I hope it brings you more pure powder snow.