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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. In Feb is when DC Region gets some of its greatest blizzards. Feb 19, 1979 (19 inches) and Feb 11, 1983 (14 inches) come to mind. Might happen again. Might be Commanders hit the SB AND you get a big blizzard next month. Ralph you awarded me that hotdog but I insist you guys might get a Presidents Day Bliz this winter AND Jayden will also kick serious ass, would not surprise me Commanders get into the SB.
  2. Its not often you see WHITE snow/sleet radar elements developing over south central Texas. Luckily for us: Should be transitory and light, only about an inch. Tomorrow 37 degrees should melt it good. Not so lucky for us will be frigid lows around 13 tomorrow night with refreezing. I really wish I had not been laughing at people slippin on ice on YouTube. Karma can be a brutal b!tch. I gotta walk the damn dog tomorrow night. Pavement will be a world-class Olympic ice rink and I am no longer young nor can I dance on the ice like Michael Jackson. I'll fall and I will go down, HARD! Look out middle Gulf Coast! They could get slammed with a foot of snow. But we have upper 60s to look forward to come Saturday and Sunday.
  3. Now its an outright Winter Storm Warning. Down here a couple inches of snow/sleet is a major winter storm lol. We are busy as heck trying to cover the fig tree and various plants. Its going to freeze for days. There's good chance the water pump will freeze too. Tuesday night is forecast to fall to 11. I am going to be carrying water like an Oklahoma Sooner.
  4. I just can't believe the Commanders. Wow wow wow! If they should manage to win this next game..........
  5. Just amazing. I would think about New Orleans except bad bad weather.
  6. We thought we were being treated to a rare mild winter in south central Texas. No dice. It is colder than expected. Already 28/10 with north gusts to 43 mph. Just got handed a local Winter Storm Watch. Down here a couple inches is a winter storm. Heavy snow and sleet are expected Mon night and Tuesday morning. We are going to lose the fig tree. This stuff could start as freezing drizzle and even some light freezing rain. That is really BAD juju for the overpasses down here! It was SUPPOSED to stay well east. I jinxed us. I been laughing at people falling on ice on YouTube. Now, it is gonnabe my effing turn. I am not up to this anymore. Climate change don't care. I got a REALLY, REALLY BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS. It was supposed to be not as cold, and bad snow and ice in New Orleans. Naaaaah. Sure enough Austin has to have some too. It's going to be BAD down here. DC is next. Reports of Winter is over were waaaaaaay premature.
  7. And this storm gets captured for 14 days as terminal snow accums pile up and pile up. People have to climb out of their 3rd story windows just to enjoy a jebwalk. The snow is so damn deep all the cars are buried in snow.
  8. Good for you. Lets hope this happens again!
  9. Someone needs to wager a million dollars on this roulette wheel.
  10. You guys are gonna get plenty of snow from this. You've won already.
  11. Trust me on this. It's going to get very cold. Even in south Texas. I will lose all my plants. I will have no water. I will be channeling west North Carolina, Swannanoa for a while. I might see accumulating snow in Buda. But DCers. You guys may truly get obliterated. It's going to get 1977 cold there. But with snow. Just stock up. Get 25000 IPAs. Get 45 shovels and ten snowblowers. Stock up on food. Be ready to stay awake for 10 days or more. Because you will be tracking like no other time in history. Just trust me. These are interesting times we are living in. The snow drought is over. It's snowBlitz time. Millville --- You are gonna have the time of your life!!
  12. Next week folks. Need to keep a serious eye on models, and stay frosty. We could even see some frozen right down here in Buda TX. You all REALLY need to keep a serious weather eye on the models next 8 days. Remember, the Jebman called it. Remember that as you clamber out of your windows to get out the damn house come Jan 22 or so. THIS COULD BE VERY BAD. Or GOOD, depending on your point of view, lol. Carry on.
  13. Ouch that is a direct hit on Austin. I don't even want to think about how cold that would be, a reprise of Feb 2022 I hope not. We lost all our plants and I was hauling water like an Oklahoma Sooner for days.
  14. I was definitely psycho man back in The Day piling snow up so it would last longer. My late dad was in TEARS, from me trying to clean Greenwood Drive WITH A SHOVEL then piling it way the hell up by the north side of the house. I was even trying to spread it on the north lawn then stomping it down tight then piling even MORE, while neighbors gaped, with their jaws on the ground. You only think you like the snow. I worshiped it! Don't forget the drifts. There is no finer time in life, then savoring stolen snow! You haven't lived, until you wait til 330am when every normie is fast asleep deep in the arms of Morpheus, then you kind of like just happen to be takin a shortcut right thru someone else's drift. Damn that felt fucking good! I would also roll around in the drift, getting the snow all over myself and thoroughly enjoying the sensation of being in a Arctic wonderland, maybe even getting lost in Greenland in a blizzard! I remember back when I was 23 in 1987, after the first 14 incher on Jan 22 1987, I went out late and I wallowed in every damn drift in Woodbridge! I was young and extremely crazy as hell and certifiably nuts about snow! I had the time of my life then! I was digging snow and rolling around in it and sliding around on ice patches screaming woooooo-hooooooo at the top of my lungs and dancing like Michael Jackson! You'da thought I just won 45 trillion dollars in the damn lottery. No, just happy about snow. I hope with everything in my snow loving heart, that the Mid Atlantic gets 2013-2014'd REAL GOOD this winter! You all are way overdue! The pattern looks kind of trying to go that direction!
  15. You will definitely see a lot more snow this winter.
  16. Man I REALLY hope that is the case. In which case I am extremely elated for the entire sub! Because, IT'S THE MID ATLANTIC!
  17. Enjoy the snow! Hey, Snow on snow!
  18. Couple of years ago we got three quarters of an inch of ice. Wouldn't recommend that either. No power, no water.
  19. We got 12.5 inches. I remember driving around late that night. Wondering why it was getting so windy. Nice surprise snow. Surprises are the best. It's like going to Charles Town Races and Slots and playin with house money and winning the jackpot.
  20. This weekend thing down here is a chilly soaker with about 1-2 inches of much needed rain, at 36 degrees and a NASTY northerly wind. We need the rain BAD and we are all grateful. Sending it your way as a snowstorm, straight outta Texas with love. Hope the models are wrong and DC gets a surprise 6-12 snow. Models can be wrong. Get those shovels ready. Heavy wet snow has caused many a blower to blow gaskets. Get the IPAs stocked up too and get ready for some nice snowy jebwalks. I think you will all LOVE the new Jebman AI Model. It's been right so far.......
  21. That's why you pile the dendies real high! Can't do a thing about the sun so shovel every walk, road, pile it up! Leave no flake behind!
  22. Does anyone on here know how much snow Dale City Virginia and vicinity got from yesterday's snowstorm? They got 1.16 water. Did Dale City REALLY get 11 inches ?
  23. It's YOUR Money! Use it when YOU need it!
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