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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. The Front Range is getting DEMOLISHED now!!!!!!!!!!!!! They might get four feet plus!!!!!!! https://www.winterparkresort.com/the-mountain/mountain-cams
  2. I might need to travel west about 30 miles or so but at least I don't need to trek halfway across the country.
  3. I am very, very happy for you! Get out there and ENJOY THAT SNOW! I WANNA SEE YOU CATCH SOME AIR! Stay safe!
  4. GORGEOUS PICS! I am soooooooooooooooo Jealous! All that snow! I would be blissfully digging snow for months and months and months! I would pay the plow operators hundreds of IPAs to push feet of snow where I dug so I can re-enjoy digging! I am, very crazy about digging the snow. I never get enough snow. Not even in a place like Hoth. Not ever.
  5. Palisades Tahoe just got demolished by 8 plus feet of snow! Mammoth got over 3 feet. Both are good ski destinations. Try Alta, Utah too.
  6. Poor Jay Peak. They could use 61 inches of fresh snow.
  7. I don't even want to think about this upcoming summer. You guys could get roasted by some 108 days with 73 dews. I could get helled to death with 109 degrees with 79 dews numerous times. It is becoming common to lose rose bushes every summer. Better watch out NY, DC, OBX, FL and Miami and the entire Gulf Coast. We have very high ocean temps now even in the deep winter. High ocean temps plus La Nina = You better look out coastal cities. Lots of tropical weather systems, some extreme hurricane cases. Insurance premiums are gonna be broadsiding many. Also some extreme rain cases. Hard to pin down where, but those are on the increase.
  8. Okay. Got it. From now on I will use the PSU Metric in my calculations for upcoming winters. Wow man you are already sussing the changes out. This is going on my KBE board and on Science Weather.
  9. It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice to live right in the path of totality of this puppy. No trafficking for me!
  10. Its snowing really good at Mammoth !!!! Check out the main lodge! The lights are ON! https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/main-lodge Woolly Cam shows snow accumulating on the Woolly Lot! You can see the snow falling in real time and blowing on the lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/woolly-cam Alpine Peak Cam at Palisades is showing snow as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.palisadestahoe.com/mountain-information/webcams#tab=alpine
  11. So many of you are gonna be in Texas, I think we need to have a Texas Conference. I'll be doing a deep dive into the Texas Snow and Ice Event of February 2021. I'll be using full-on meteorological jargon, like Typhoon Tip. You really haven't fully investigated real beer and real authentic barbeque, until you have experienced Texas Beers and real authentic Texas BBQ! If you are truly serious about getting Eclipsed, you should be just as serious about getting Texas Beer'ed and Barbequed. lol Do yourself a REAL favor and try the Texas Brisket! You'll LOVE it!
  12. BAD LINK. Try https://www.adorama.com/l/Optics-and-Binoculars/Binoculars-and-Accessories/Solar-Binoculars-and-Eclipse-Viewers
  13. Naaaaaah. No south trend. This puppy is squarely in my back yard. This is one example of when its great to be in the bullseye 4 weeks out.
  14. Palisades is getting blasted by snow! https://www.palisadestahoe.com/mountain-information/webcams#tab=palisades
  15. Absolutely EPIC. Glad you guys got some decent resurfacing snow. I wish it had been four feet.
  16. This IS the Weather Will-Ji Late March Snowstorm. Someone needs to start the thread.
  17. It's getting so cool, folks are heading out west to Vail to ski.
  18. I am stoked! Charles Town Slots gets 11 inches of snow! I ain't backing away from this model! Imma hugging it but good!
  19. Sugarbush VT webcams https://www.sugarbush.com/mountain/webcams Check out Terrain Park Cam 1. It is POURING SNOW!
  20. I need to be there to shovel massive amounts of rain!
  21. Next winter, come mid-December, see you at the 384-hr plots. You know you wanna see that snow porn.
  22. It is snowing yet AGAIN at Palisades on the 8200 foot level! https://www.palisadestahoe.com/mountain-information/webcams#tab=palisades
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