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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. Anyone Jonesing for some snow? Look no farther than Mammoth Ski Resort! The latest blizzard is just getting started! Three to four FEET of new snow are expected over the next 2 days! Rates will become ridiculous, falling at as much as three inches an hour! This storm is LOADED FOR BEAR with moisture! The Lights are ON!!!!! https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/main-lodge Snow will soon be blowing along the Woolly Lot! https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/woolly-cam Palisades is getting slammed too! https://www.palisadestahoe.com/mountain-information/webcams#tab=palisades The Jebman always brings you THE LATEST in fresh snowfall!
  2. Dale City got 22 inches on the season, this is above average! I'll take it! We got one more snow yet. It may be a KU. Remember you heard this from The Jebman first!
  3. Thanks. Thats the second time Dale City has gotten 10 inches of snow this winter.
  4. Anyone know how much snow Dale City ended up with?
  5. I loved the Eagles winning the SB. I am so damn TIRED of hearing my mom shrilling about her damn Chiefs. For once on SB night, there was blessed peace lol. EE-GLES! EE-GLES! EE-GLES!! Let's do this next year, too! Let's have an Eagles Dynasty! Have them win so many Superbowls they will have so many chips they could clean out the Blackjack at WinStar!
  6. The pattern is going to dump a lot of snow after Feb 20! I know this because my right knee is killing me again. Its gonna be full of potential, multiple chances for snow. Besides, we ARE overdue for a genuine Kocin-Uccellini blizzard in DC! It's gonna dump 34 inches of snow in DC and be called the KU-Jebman Blizzard of 2025.
  7. Mammoth is entitled to snow. Speakin of snow, tomorrow night they get slammed again with at least 3 feet of fresh snow!
  8. You know what's really gonna get my goat? We have 6.6 inches on the year, but you guys will smash it in the next few days! Damn, south central Texas can never keep up. Down here we are like old men with severe ED.
  9. This place has become so forlorn.
  10. Whatever you do - Don't get a 12 inch tablet with its own internet and 5G. Talk about addicted. I have a ton of missing time lmao
  11. Thanks. Looks like they may have a shot at 10. Radar presentation looks good. Someone is definitely getting a foot.
  12. Anyone know how much snow in Dale City?
  13. There's a metric ton more behind that, too! I am having a very good day, because it's THE MID ATLANTIC getting CRUSHED by heavy snow! It's nighttime and it's piling up! Let's say Dale City has 6. It is probably nearer 7 tho. 10.5 in Jan, another 2 inches from another storm and now 6-7 inches, my old stomping grounds are officially above average for the season!
  14. I hope you guys get annihilated by snow!
  15. Roger that. Lots of moisture with this. South Central Texas is in for yet another round of heavy rain tonight on top of the 3.5 inches we got this afternoon. For the Mid Atlantic, high probability this puppy will overperform. Get those shovels ready!
  16. You guys are gonna get demolished! Enjoy!
  17. This is amazing! I am so happy some in the sub have a shot at a FOOT of fresh snow! Told ya this puppy was gonna max out!
  18. Tonight with that sun gone, snow will really pile up!
  19. Radar looks good. Moderate to heavy snow will keep right on piling up.
  20. Wow 4 plus already in Lake Ridge? You guys there are gonna Jack.
  21. Hey anyone know how much snow has accumulated in the Dale City region?
  22. HoCo/MoCo Deathband up next. Stand by for Commutageddon.
  24. South Cen Texas has gotten 3 to 4 inches of rain. One inch was forecast. Sending the moisture over to the Mid Atlantic, in the form of heavy snow, with a lot of love! This puppy is definitely gonna overperform!
  25. Eastern Prince William is getting NAM'med!
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