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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. That'd be me. Lots clouds forecast along with rain. NE is on track sunshine wispy cirrus and nice weather. Enjoy the eclipse.
  2. April 7 thru 10 solid clouds with very good rain chances here in Buda. Forecast continues to solidify up with excellent rains and thick clouds. Multiple thick well-developed cloud decks at various altitudes with efficient moisture transport. Probable low level fog as well, due to rain falling into 70 degree dewpoint airmass at 2 meters. ZERO chance of glimpsing the eclipse thru multiple strong cloud decks. Eclipse watchers, stay far from Austin. It's gonnabe a Rainer, a multi-day soaker. It'll be a Rainer to make Washington DC proud in January in a super Nino with a blazing fiery base state like this past ratter of a winter there. In short, we have a strong soaking Eclipse Special on tap not just on eclipse day but also the preceding day and two days after, for damn good measure!!!!!!!!! I am depressed and inconsolable. This was my last chance in this lifetime. It's just too bad. Go to Mexico. Should be dry hot and sunny. Need to change the title of this ratter of an eclipse to April 8th Rainy, Socked In Son Of A Bytch, Abandon ALL Fookin' Hope, For The Rest Of Your Miserable Lives Eclipse. I'll tell you what's to blame for this frackin' debacle. It's that fiery blazing hot venusian base state, and its partners in crime, the bloated Hadley Cells and fooked up MJO. Just like those sobs did in the Mid Atlantic this past ratter of a pathetically skunked up so called winter. Who's jaded now?
  3. Head for Jay Peak. They might get 3 feet of freshies from the upcoming storm!
  4. Thanks. Buda has a 95 percent probability of cloud cover on the 8th. I am getting just as jaded, as my grandpa was years ago. No fookin eclipse for me or for untold millions who put their trust in Texas weather. Too bad the eclipse wasn't Aug 15. That month is always 103 and cloudless. FOOK FOOK FOOK FOOK FOOK FOOK FOOK FOOK FOOK!
  5. I would love it if everyone all along the Path could see the eclipse, even if I can't.
  6. April fools on that storm setup. Don't make me write one up on a day after tomorrow snow that kills everyone in the US. I do, after all, value snow over people. That's no lie. That ain't no April fools, either. I am definitely far crazier, than I ever was in high school over snow.
  7. Well, you can enjoy the beer, BBQ and brisket, at least.
  8. It's official. 80 percent chance of heavy rain on April 8th. Everyone going to Texas it's high time to bail. It's gonna be a three day cloudy blow. Maybe everyone is gonnabe cloudy. I think there is still time to change airline resses without too much of a penalty. Or take out a home equity loan and charter a 747 and watch the eclipse. Too bad I will miss it for sure. Fook this life, everything is going to shyte. No doubt about that, now.
  9. I am perfectly positioned for this cloudy eclipse.
  10. We usually get lots sun and are left wanting for rain, lol. Way of life here. Famous last words...........
  11. Don't look now but even MORE snow at Mammoth!!! https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/main-lodge It is REALLY starting to come down harder! This is beginning to remind me of two nights ago! These aggregates are getting FRACKING HUGE AGAIN!!!! These unbelievably huge flakes are so damned BIG, that you can see them individually on the lodge roof! Man this place NEVER LETS YOU DOWN!!! I have found a God to worship, it is called Mammoth! They are ALWAYS GETTING ANNIHILATED BY SNOW!!!
  12. Hug it. PSU will get 6-10 inches of new snow.
  13. It hardly snowed at Mammoth or Palisades last night. I am inconsolable. I am pining away for those RATES 38 hours ago. I wubbed that heavy torrential snow in the Main Lodge lights SO MUCH! I LOVE IT when the Sierras get down and PAR-TAY!!!
  14. Uh oh snow is pickin on up at Mammoth again! https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/main-lodge
  15. Right now, it's in a lull, but it may start back up later tonight. You wanna see good snow at Mammoth? Main Lodge has lights once it gets dark, but they turn those lights off at 3am Washington, DC time. https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/main-lodge See also Woolly: https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/woolly-cam Woolly cam you can see a railing by the mammoth. Yesterday that puppy was fully exposed. Last night took good care of that, so damn much pow that it's almost covered up, now! You should have seen that snow last night about 1am!!!!!! WOW man HUGE HUGE aggregates! Hardly any wind to speak of! It just POURED THE FOOK DOWN! I am tellin' you, it was like The Day After Tomorrow! If you looked at the Woolly cam, you could clearly see where the snow was piling up and I am telling you, those HUMONGOUS snowflakes were piling up like no one's bisnass! The Sierras don't play around! When they have blizzards they get down and partay! They had a long TRAIN of serious serious Pacific moisture just training right down on Mammoth last night! It snowed HARD, it snowed BIG AS FOOK, some of those frackin' aggregates may have been fully TWO INCHES in diameter! It was 20 degrees! Everything was sticking! That snow was piling up FAST!
  16. Palisades is starting to see an uptick in snow rates https://www.palisadestahoe.com/mountain-information/webcams#tab=palisades
  17. Last night at Mammoth. It is usually windy as hell. Not this time. It got windy later. But the snow was absolutely TORRENTIAL!!!! No wind. The freshies piled right up! I watched it! You could clearly see where the snow was getting deep as fook, especially on the Woolly cam! I have NEVER EVER seen The Village get hit by heavy snow like this! The Main Lodge cam showed aggregates at LEAST an inch and a half in diameter! The lights were on big-time! That snow was like a full-on Boston ccb in a fookin' triple phaser parked right on the 40/70 Benchmark and stalled out in a block, super-convoluted setup for the ages! It simply POURED DOWN, IN TORRENTS, and it piled the hell up! This is how Mammoth piled on another two feet of fresh pow overnight! I was GLUED to the camera ALL NIGHT LONG! It was NO. SLEEP. TIL. BROOKLYN. !!!!!!!!! This snow was definitely IT! It was HUGE UNBELIEVABLE DENDRITES IN THE RESORT LIGHTS! It was extremely heavy, just decillions of HUGE aggregates piling on!
  18. Mammoth got completely destroyed overnight with 24 inches of blower pow, ON TOP OF WHAT THEY ALREADY GOT PRIOR TO LAST NIGHT! It's a spectacular pow day! Massive powder face shots are everywhere and all the ski instructors are going totally bonkers! Talk about refills! It's a MAGNIFICENT DAY IN THE WHITE ROOM and you better strap on a snorkel! Always ski with a powder buddy and keep an eye on each other, especially off- piste! Tree wells are a serious concern today with fifteen feet of solid snowpack! Be wary of snow immersion accidents!
  19. Snow has become absolutely TORRENTIAL at Mammoth! It is simply PILING UP! 8 INCHES and counting, with a hell of a LOT MORE SNOW to come! Heavy ridiculous amounts of moisture are TRAINING in from the south southwest, will pile on crazy amounts of new freshies overnight on into Saturday!!!!! https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/main-lodge
  20. It is POURING SNOW at Mammoth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Don't look now New Englanders but next weekend you might get utterly annihilated, completely destroyed by a major pattern change, massive amounts of snow!
  22. I can hardly wait! I wish I could find some good high res webcams up there! I'd be GLUED to 'em for DAYS! I NEVER get enough of the snow!
  23. Mammoth is getting DESTROYED right now! HUGE, HUGE aggregates! https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/main-lodge Just wait til they switch on those lights! Then you'll see something!
  24. Remember I told you guys I am YOUR one stop shop for everything snow? Well, I am opening up a new chapter in the Andes, too! Welcome to the Bergeralm webcams in the Andes! https://www.bergeralm.net/en/webcam/
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