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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. Yeah that would be very CEL for Barbados, if that storm gets to be like Jova.
  2. Better start hoisting Tropical Watches up all across the Caribbean Islands. If I was down there, I'd get on a plane to northern Alberta, just to be safe.
  3. It is 99 degrees. Dewpoint is 75. I am out in this, trimming hedges, very dangerous work as I on on the top of a ladder and it feels like 112 degrees! I am also in the direct sun. I am crazy, and a glutton for punishment. Be GLAD you dont live in south central Texas!
  4. We are all learning it. You are the turbomog of millennial slang!
  5. Radar shows you guys getting some storms. I am going thru my weather obs as I do each day. Washington DC Region is getting rain and thunderstorms. Congrats! https://radar.weather.gov/station/KLWX/standard
  6. I hope it never does. However the SSTs are high with a developing Nina. Its unfortunately a possibility this season.
  7. If it is we are in serious trouble, Jova had 160mph sustained winds. Storm like that smashing into the GoMex communities would be a catastrophe.
  8. It does look like it will be a very bad tropical season in the Atlantic and in the Caribbean/GoMex.
  9. This is a first, a meteorologist speaking millennial speak lol
  10. If you dont mind, I'd really appreciate it if you would correct me, I want to learn correct usage of these terms in the context of hurricane season.
  11. I am thinking one of those, not leaning particularly toward Deb or Ernesto. Could even be both, for all we know.
  12. No doubt about it. 2024 will turbomog all other seasons so far.
  13. Hurricane Ian sure rizzed things up! I absolutely love all the new terms! Please get us all up to speed! Old dogs can learn new tricks!
  14. It is possible this could be worse than the 2005 season. Ocean temps are way up and we have a developing Nina. However, I am hoping we will luck out and only see a few hurricanes, most of which recurve out to sea and hit no one else.
  15. It could turn out more mog than 1933, if that was a bad season for tropical cyclones in the Atlantic/Caribbean.
  16. Yeah I am 60, I got left behind a LOOOOOOOOOONG time ago lmao. But, its really fun learning new expressions. For example, the 2024 Hurricane Season may very well mog out all the others going back to the 1920s.
  17. Yep this hurricane season may mog all the others for the past 100 years.
  18. You were up near Leesburg? Take Rt 7 to Rt 9 and make a pit stop at Charles Town Races and Slots and try the Craps tables. I used to hang out for HOURS just watchin those guys! You can win some money. But you got to know when to stop and just walk away with your colored up winnings. The Day when I walked away with 2400, two big ORANGE chips and four black ones, best day I had had in a long time up there!
  19. Its 96 degrees but the DEWPOINT is 76. This means it feels like 110. I was trimming branches with a ladder and a trimmer out here and I was wondering WHY was I so damn hot. I thought it was only 90 degrees and I was just draggin' for some reason. Be GLAD you dont live in south Texas.
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