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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. I am concerned for wxmx's safety should Beryl strike Mexico. This is an extremely dangerous hurricane.
  2. We fervently need to hope HARD that we have record shear in the Caribbean. I could mourn the Windwards for the next forty years, but this is only the very beginning of what looks to be one heck of a tribulation of a hurricane season. I would not want to be in the US Insurance business right now. That Barbados radar is absolutely HIDEOUS!
  3. The beauty of Carriacou breaks my heart. I wish there was some way this thing could turn away from that island. Its going to flatten that beautiful place. Its so remote, help is gonna be hard pressed as heck to get to them, no electric, no drinkable waters and no food and likely humid and hot as hades the day after.
  4. I look forward to those, if I don't get swept away by a direct Beryl strike on Buda lol. I would like them in PDF form please.
  5. NE Mex landfall. That is bad for Mexico, but at least all south central Tx would see are a few low scudding cumulus and maybe a 25 mph breeze, maybe a couple of stray tropical showers. I'll take it.
  6. 113 knots is roughly 130 miles per hour. On the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, a Category 4 hurricane has sustained winds of 130–156 miles per hour (mph). These winds are considered extremely dangerous and can cause catastrophic damage, including: Structural damage: Well-built homes can sustain severe damage, with loss of most of the roof structure and/or some exterior walls. Unanchored structures can be completely destroyed, and extensive damage is likely to doors and windows. Tree damage: Most trees will be snapped or uprooted. Power outages: Power outages can last weeks to possibly months, leaving most of the area uninhabitable for weeks or months.
  7. I am hugging the Euro. That gfs is a catastrophe. Gfs brings Beryl right into Corpus, and I quake with insane fear at the thought of a Katrina intensity cane striking Corpus. Buda would be obliterated and I would be history. I am not up for this stuff anymore. I am an old man, all played out. If I had the cash ------ I would already be in northern Alberta.
  8. Max possible peak for Beryl is Cat 5 165 mph sustained winds BUT it will weaken in the Caribbean.
  9. So weakening IS expected after Beryl enters the ECARIB. At least that's some good news.
  10. This is going to be so Jova for the entire Caribbeancels and the entire GoMexcels. Its so hard to believe this is still only late JUNE!
  11. Gotta ask, is this late June or early September? This is going to be a massive possibly unprecedented tropical season.
  12. Barrett is just saying in millennialspeak, that if Beryl keeps on intensifying like she is and if she strikes the GoM, it will be extremely bad for everyone on the coast all along the GoM. VERY extremely bad. He is also saying that there were no major hurricanes to hit the Lesser Antilles in the past ~ 170 years or so. That was what Barrett meant when he remarked, Not a molecule. I love millennialspeak, and I am a late baby boomer lmao Well, baby boomer/Gen X cusp, I guess
  13. If that obtains, we better start evaccing the entire Gulf Coast and all of the Florida Coast. Because if Beryl does not get weakened, and it gets into that GoMex with all that warm shallow water, all of us in the South are pretty much fooked. Especially if Beryl turns out to go full on MOG on us.
  14. So there is some potential for this to get shredded up. No one in the Caribbean or Gulf needs an anomalous fierce brobdingnagian hurricane. Especially not in early July.
  15. This is no time for a Jamaica vacation, either. That place will get severely mogged.
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