Much better.
Remember this?
Look, I was extremely OCD about weather for 45 years. I finally learned but not before alienating most of my immediate family and nearly everyone in the Woodbridge/Dale City Corridor.
I don't know about you, I don't really know how many people live in the greater Washington DC region but all those folks can't be wrong!
Be very very very very very careful about what you wish for. Climate change is very real and storms WILL be extremely bad. I want NONE of this whatsoever. I am glad I am down here in Austin, Texas. We get sun, 109 weather and more sun. No more snow, hardly any rain ever. No weather to speak of, and all I ever wish for is more of the same: Blue skies, 109 degrees, south winds straight out of the Mexican Plateau and a few puffy cumulus. Maybe, I'll wish some snow on northern Virginia in the winter. I wish for no storms. I have learned my lesson. It took me half a century, too bad my dad never lived to see the day I see now he was 100 billion percent correct. My late Dad was the greatest hero that ever lived! There was never anything he was not 100 percent correct about, especially concerning my old behavior. Yeah, I am reviled on here now because I chose to stop this crazy hangup about weather. Revile me! It means I am doing a good job! In summer we get 100s and no rain. In winter we get 77 and sun. This is the LIFE! It was 95 today, no clouds at all!! No rain in our forecast for weeks and weeks! No hurricanes either! Normal high is 87! See, we are 8 degrees above normal! Gonna be a nice warm winter and dry as the Gobi Desert!