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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. Any info on the possible development of Nadine?
  2. This kind of deepening is what you get from warm GoM waters plus La Nina.
  3. This storm is frightening. Wow warm waters in the GoM. Learn something new every day! Unbelievable 911 mb storm 175 sustained winds.
  4. I see you ARE aware of some topics that are not so meteorologically focused.
  5. People are already panicking about Milton, I guess because of what just happened with Helene in west NC.
  6. One thing about FL they get a good deal of rain, grass mowing businesses do well. So do landscapers.
  7. Hopefully it is a fast mover. No mountains to worry about either.
  8. People in Texas were already setting up Halloween decorations as of Sept 23. They start early. In November, even before Thanksgiving, some even set up elaborate Christmas decorations.
  9. Much better. Remember this? Look, I was extremely OCD about weather for 45 years. I finally learned but not before alienating most of my immediate family and nearly everyone in the Woodbridge/Dale City Corridor. I don't know about you, I don't really know how many people live in the greater Washington DC region but all those folks can't be wrong! Be very very very very very careful about what you wish for. Climate change is very real and storms WILL be extremely bad. I want NONE of this whatsoever. I am glad I am down here in Austin, Texas. We get sun, 109 weather and more sun. No more snow, hardly any rain ever. No weather to speak of, and all I ever wish for is more of the same: Blue skies, 109 degrees, south winds straight out of the Mexican Plateau and a few puffy cumulus. Maybe, I'll wish some snow on northern Virginia in the winter. I wish for no storms. I have learned my lesson. It took me half a century, too bad my dad never lived to see the day I see now he was 100 billion percent correct. My late Dad was the greatest hero that ever lived! There was never anything he was not 100 percent correct about, especially concerning my old behavior. Yeah, I am reviled on here now because I chose to stop this crazy hangup about weather. Revile me! It means I am doing a good job! In summer we get 100s and no rain. In winter we get 77 and sun. This is the LIFE! It was 95 today, no clouds at all!! No rain in our forecast for weeks and weeks! No hurricanes either! Normal high is 87! See, we are 8 degrees above normal! Gonna be a nice warm winter and dry as the Gobi Desert!
  10. All these bad hurricanes are all my fault. I jinxed everything when I foolishly declared the hurricane season was gonna be mild with a few small hurricanes.
  11. There are sure a lot of people crying for help. Helene cut off many a community from help. You guys are perfectly free to wish for Category 5 hurricanes. But me, I am DONE with this stuff. I'm 60. I am getting seriously challenged from obsessing over walking most of my life. Walking is fine, but to idolize this like I did for 50 years, there are consequences. Serious consequences. My mom yells at me for being too slow. I see now my Dad was right, all those years. I always learn, THE HARD WAY, every time, in everything. My heart BREAKS with deep sorrow as so many people are cut off. Many will be, for MONTHS to come, well into 2025!!!!!!!! There may even be ANOTHER storm. We are going to be lucky just to survive to early December. There are probably going to be so many severe hurricanes that the entire Gulf Coast will have to be evacuated. Buda, Texas can't take another bad windstorm, we'd lose everything.
  12. Soaked ground plus severe flooding with high winds means a ton of downed trees over a huge area.
  13. Some communities have eclipsed a foot of rain already. Storm is not even there yet. Providence help the mountains. They could get 25 inches of rain.
  14. This storm is so large and getting so strong, can not help but realize if it were landfalling in Corpus Christi, with that 16 mph forward momentum, Austin would be absolute toast. Prolly 12 inch rain and 90 mph wind gusts damn. Very very thankful that instead of Helene we have 83/60 conditions with puffy fair weather cumulus and delightful light northerly breezes.
  15. That forward motion is a good thing, 16 mph.
  16. Be very very careful what you wish for, You just might get it, and then some! Stay safe!
  17. I am very very happy this is NOT going to hit Texas. That forward speed is going to be very bad for high damaging winds well inland. If Helene were smashing into Corpus, I'd be running northwest as fast as I could, probably all the way to the OklaTex border, maybe with a detour to WinStar Casino. We have been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fortunate this season. Every TC is smashing into New Orleans or well east.
  18. How bad are things looking with respect to antecedent rainfall in the past ten days in those regions?
  19. With the speed this system may move at, maybe the Washington Metropolitan Region gets a good strong wind/torrential rain hit off of it.
  20. Fast mover means much less chance for excessive freshwater flooding.
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