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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. If I had known that I was gonna get easterned in late 2010 - I would have gotten EVERY single snowmageddon image known to mankind. I would have had thousands of them. I am so obsessed with snow that it is a national emergency worthy of Homeland Security lol. It's BAD when I put snow ahead of PEOPLE and I am not just some immature teenager - I am supposed to be a grown up 46 year old man. Geeze We have absolutely WASTED 20 years of therapy - I am a lost cause forever - always going to be a total embarrassment to my family and community every time there is snow. I should be shipped up to Nunavut then shoved off the transport into the snow and vodka cold I worship even in lieu of G-d and I'm damn proud of it - even at my advanced age. If there is a G-d (religion is something man needs to grow the hell out of yesterday asap) I would stand before him in death and proclaim my love for deep snow and 200 below zero cold with 100 mph winds. But G-d is only something man dreamed up - we need to get over this yesterday I saw the movie Everest: Into Thin Air ( http://outsideonline.com/outside/destinations/199609/199609_into_thin_air_1.html ) and I loved the wind, the snow and most of all the COLD - no thoughts whatsoever for the climbers - they were an afterthought - ALL I EVER gave a darn about was all that fresh pristine SNOW and the beautiful BLIZZARD with 75+ mph winds up on that precious mountain. I love snow with all my heart. Some people are WAYYYYYYYY beyond help. I am most emphatically one of them. I ENJOYED Lake Shore Drive - I had a hardon over the stranded cars in the three feet of snow - No empathy whatsoever I salivated over all those pics - I made certain to record every last one of them. I LOVE that deep snow so much - I'd sell off every last one of my friends to Mubarak's regime just for a chance to shovel that snow on Lake Shore Drive Metra, CTA no one in Chicago knows how to remove snow like the Jebman. All I need is my trusty snow shovel and a pick for the sleetpack. A sleetpack is no match for the Jebman. I would clear all the snow from Lake Shore Drive all by myslef. Every official in Chi-town would stare in utter disbelief, with their jaws resting on the ground.
  2. You need a monster blizzard in your backyard - I'd be beside myslef with total joy reading your posts! :)

  3. Hey Nate! Man I hope you are ENJOYING that heavy snow!! I wish that storm would stall for a week and you get severe deform for about 156 hrs lol

  4. Welcome to American Weather Forums, Dave!

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