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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. Where u live now? Why did you move? My late Dad passed in June 2018. I moved to south central Texas on Aug 26 2018. But I still enjoy tracking Mid Atlantic snows.
  2. Hey look guys, I CAN go to bed. You HAVE to stay up and watch the snow, I don't, I am not actually in N VA. I'll check back in with ya in a few.
  3. You can sleep when you are dead. Drink coffee. I used to go thru cups and cups of the stuff at CharlesTown when I went there just to see snow when Dale City had rain, lol. Of course I stayed up all night, played quarter slots a little, watched the snow some. Red Bull helps too. Try to stay up and enjoy the snow. Then again, its gonna snow til 1am Monday. The best thing about tryin to stay awake in a big snow like this is, you fall asleep. You have a vivid dream that your town got 17 inches of pow. You wake up, your discover you actually DO have 17 inches of snow, and the Conditional Symmetric Instability has parked on top of your back yard and it snows for another 18 hours, because for some reason the mets never really figured out, the deform is moving very slow. In fact it retrogrades a bit. Then it pivots directly over your back yard.
  4. Okay. I would like to suggest that folks go out at 3am with headphones on, playing your favorite music. Walk around where there are streetlights. Once you have seen huge dendrites falling by the streetlights, you will be hooked for life. Harness your enthusiasm. Help out as many ppl as you can with your shovel. Dig em out (if you want to). Many of you have 3 inches otg already. Run very fast as you get all excited about the snow! Try to kick up plumes of pow as you run! I used to do this all the time in Dale City! You might yell Wooooooo Hooooooo a couple of times too! Fully engage with the storm! Breathe in the snow laden air deeply. SAVOR the beautiful smell of snow victory! Savor a long leisurely snow jebwalk. Soak in the zen beauty of falling flakes of pure snow. Realize that you will see snowfall for at least another 22 hours! Sneak and walk thru other people's yards. I used to do this a lot when I was a teenager! Its really satisfying, and liberating, when you jebwalk thru snow that is not yours lmao! Don't I know it. ESPECIALLY DRIFTS! That, is a rush!!!!! The best snow, is stolen snow lol! Shovel the snow whenever you like, but what I'd like to suggest, is blast your headphones while you dig snow. You want the songs you listen to to remind you of snow forever. Carefully shovel every. last. flake. off of your driveway, walk and road, and pile it all up extremely high. Show off your inner snow weenie! Feel free to obsess about the snowpack! Try to pile the snow to the north of sun blocking objects such as a car left parked all the time, an old camper, your house, a wood fence, anything that blocks that HATED sun! You want to preserve your snow as long as possible. You want to fly your freak flag, in the form of ridiculously tall and bulky snow piles that effectively advertise to all the world, that you are a snow enthusiast! Pile them as high as you can. Wetter snows pile very high easily. Drier snows will have to have very wide bases. The point is, you want to pile as much snow as possible, to try and keep it as long as you can until the next snowstorm! You want to have snow to look at and to inspire your inner snow weenie every day when you get up and look outside! Pile that snow up! Enjoy immensely and to the max, every shovelful of snow! Pile the snow from your driveways, walkways, from the top of your cars, and the road. You have not truly paid homage to the Snow Gods and to snow itself, until you have cleared part of your ROAD and lovingly piled that snow up in your yard like the Legendary Midlo. (thats the living legend who uses snow generators to pile snow on his lawn). Pray for snow. Wish for snow. Talk to all of your friends about snow. You ARE a snow expert. Text your friends and give em the 'ole update. Show the world at large your enthusiasm for winter storms. Make snow videos. Go out like BNVN1/Storm Chasing in your car, get videos of big snowstorms!!! Like this video for example, he has many, he even covered Hurricane Michael too!
  5. Thats just wow, like Unbelievable , when you consider that places like Dale City are probably already in excess of 3 inches otg already. Just look at whats inbound. https://radar.weather.gov/Conus/full_loop.php Its like You gotta be kiddin me 16 times half an inch an hour and some hours could easily be an inch an hour, on top of what many places in N VA/MD/DC already have otg? Whomever gets in on the Conditional Symmetric Instability banding will find out firsthand what a crush job truly is.
  6. Don't bet on it. You will see it again in your lifetime, likely will be bested several times. The weather is changing. Unusual snow events will increase, both in intensity and in frequency.
  7. Radar is filling in again: https://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?rid=lwx&product=N0R&loop=yes All its gonna do all night long, is snow snow snow! Hey dont forget to put your windshield wipers up. There's going to be snow on your car tops by morning. Edit: Ninja'd by Beachin!
  8. I am just an ordinary person that likes to walk in snowy conditions, lol. I probably am a bit too obsessed with the stuff. Now, YOU are a Living Legend. You are the guy that knows storms. You KNOW patterns. You should have a red met tag. Your posts are GOLD. My posts take up bandwidth, lol. Give this man a RED TAG stat.
  9. The term 'jebwalk' is a silly name for a walk done typically with headphones blasting favorite songs. This is usually done in the presence of heavy snow, especially if the snow is wind driven, lol.
  10. Yes, I will try very hard to find a way to come back up there before I get too old lmfao. I really miss Washington DC. I am a Washingtonian at heart.
  11. LOL! Thanks, but the walks I do are really not that important. Not even close.
  12. How would we describe them? The Wikipedians would probably try to delete it lol.
  13. You'll get shellacked tomorrow, from the coastal. Congrats on the snow. It is good to hear that my hometown already has 3 three inches of the white gold. You will be a true believer by tomorrow night.
  14. It is looking very good for much of the Mid Atlantic thru the overnight. LOTS of moisture and energy incoming. Relax and enjoy this --- You are all going to get a lot of snow. Sunday looks very fun indeed with more snow, possibly well into the night! This amazing storm, is only the beginning.............
  15. Well based on what I've read, Dale City has nearly an inch on all surfaces except roads which have slightly less. Wall of snow is fast approaching from the west. This is a very good time to enjoy a long leisurely jebwalk down Dale Blvd !!!
  16. I'll try to visit during another snowstorm sometime lol
  17. ROFLMAO!!!!!!! I miss the Washington Region so bad!
  18. LOL, I need to find a place to stay first lol Hey - Dont you guys worry about me. I'm fine. You all just get out there and enjoy all that snow!
  19. You are all going to get shredded by this snowstorm! This is only the first of many this winter..........
  20. There is so much moisture yet to come for N VA its frackin unbelievable!
  21. Radar confirms that there really wont be much of a lull in the snow. Its filling in and blossoming, exploding is really the operative word here. https://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?rid=lwx&product=N0R&loop=yes Edit: Ninja'd by Woodbridge02 lol
  22. Wow! Nice vids! You guys are already getting really good snow!
  23. Nighttime comin on here in S TX where I am, I know its dark up there! Snow is gonna really pile up!
  24. This is going to be one crazy fun winter for the Mid Atlantic. Enjoy!
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