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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. Anyone still on in the Eastern Prince William County region in N VA? That Wall of Snow is knockin' right on your doorstep! https://radar.weather.gov/Conus/full_loop.php
  2. Look out for the Infamous Leesburg/ Rockville/ Howard County/ Montgomery County/ NW Washington DC Deathband. Its coming. It ALWAYS sets up shop.
  3. NOW, EVERYTHING is absolutely right in the world! YOU. ARE. BACK!!!!!!!!!
  4. No deb'n at all. You are all gonna get demolished by lots and lots of snow.
  5. I am observing a lot of happiness that you all are getting snow tonight! THAT, makes everything right in the world for me! Enjoy! Damn I might have to stay up all night long for this!
  6. Dont look now KLWX region - but you are under a winter weather advisory for 1 more inch of snow from now til 5am. Expect slippery commutes. It just wants to snow, lol. Maybe the storm is stalling out....... Be careful what you wish for........
  7. Hey @stormtracker : MountainGeek here says that you mentioned something about runnin in the streets nekkid if this storm verified? Well, IT VERIFIED. We are waiting for video. Carry on.
  8. Very shweet pics!!!! That plow plowing you in nice and tight - THAT IS THE BEST PART OF THE STORM. Now, you go out and you get to enjoy digging even more of the snow! You pile it up even higher, and here's the best part of all: That snow is COMPACTED. Lovingly shovel every last flake and pile it all up north of some sun-blocking object, like your house. This is all bonus snow. Pile it high. When that reviled sun comes up tomorrow, you will be GLAD you did. You'll have fresh COMPACTED snow to feast your eyes on until the next storm, and you dont have long to wait. THAT storm is gonna be a doozy. Confidently fly your snow weenie freak flag and fly it well with a super overkill tall snow wall! Show everyone you know how to shovel snow! You will have the baddest snow wall in your entire 'hood!
  9. Thanks, thats very good. Very happy for the entire region.
  10. Places like Dale City usually get 4 inches from a Jan storm. That's climo for Dale City. Dale City ended up with 7.3 inches which is amazing, considering climo, but also got in some great fzdz and sleet which will end up fortifying the snowpack against the hated sun. It will also offer up a funny spectacle as people stagger along on the ice like penguins as they try to walk out to get their newspapers. The communities to the north and west have much much better climo, it was no surprise they ended up with nearly a foot of fresh snow from this. Overall, a massively excellent snow for nearly the entire subforum. It is fitting the Rockville deathband annihilated every community it hit.
  11. Anyone know how much snow Dulles Airport got?
  12. Congrats! Seven inches is an amazing total! Plus, you get to go out and watch people walking like a penguin on that ice! I might have to write about the infamous ice jebwalk of 2004.........
  13. This would be an excellent time to hit up Rt 9. Imagine all the snow!
  14. If I come back to the Mid Atlantic, I definitely am gonna head straight for Rockville. Man they ALWAYS score!
  15. This beautiful pic is now gracing my computer screen.
  16. Thats just fabulous! Yeah folks, slap on some headphones, grab the shovel, and go for a memorable snow jebwalk in that! There's nothing like fresh snow!
  17. It was so good, heck even I am satisfied (given the fact I am out of town lol). Damn good overperformer! I have stuff to do down here and I am officially behind, because I cannot stop reading this topic. Its engrossing and addictive lol I couldnt tear myself away from the radar either lol
  18. That usually means you need to go right back out for another snow jebwalk lol.
  19. This was only a rehearsal, Leesburg. The Snow Gods went easy on the Mid Atlantic with this first snow. This is going to be an EPIC Winter for the Mid Atlantic!
  20. CONGRATS! This, is a very very good time for a nice, leisurely jebwalk. You know its good when you gotta walk backwards against the snow because you can't even see where you're going.
  21. Use a snowboard, measure the snow that accumulates on it periodically. After each measurement clean the board. After the storm is done, add em up.
  22. That's a very good thing. You'll be experiencing that for the next 9 weeks.
  23. The Rockville deathband will not disappoint.
  24. I am very very happy for you all. I wish this storm would stall out for a few days.
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