Very shweet pics!!!!
That plow plowing you in nice and tight - THAT IS THE BEST PART OF THE STORM. Now, you go out and you get to enjoy digging even more of the snow! You pile it up even higher, and here's the best part of all: That snow is COMPACTED. Lovingly shovel every last flake and pile it all up north of some sun-blocking object, like your house. This is all bonus snow. Pile it high. When that reviled sun comes up tomorrow, you will be GLAD you did. You'll have fresh COMPACTED snow to feast your eyes on until the next storm, and you dont have long to wait. THAT storm is gonna be a doozy. Confidently fly your snow weenie freak flag and fly it well with a super overkill tall snow wall! Show everyone you know how to shovel snow! You will have the baddest snow wall in your entire 'hood!