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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. I watched Sean clear the snow stake about 11 hours ago. Since then, Bachelor has piled on 13.5 MORE inches of freshies in about 9.3 hours as of 5am Texas time!!!!! Snow will pile up well into the late morning. Might wanna keep an eye on this. The Cascades get so much frackin' snow, it is totally UNBELIEVABLE! THEY ARE WORKING ON 19 INCHES OF NEW SNOW SO FAR SINCE ABOUT 8PM LAST NIGHT! TALK ABOUT REFILLS! STILL SNOWIN' !
  2. You guys are gonna time the cold with a ton of moisture, several times this winter in DC. This is gonna be good! Meanwhile, in other news, damn I am ecstatic! WE HIT 84 TODAY!!!!! CAN SIPS says Texas will be +7 in January 2025! If it is that warm, I will run down Main Street naked. This means the East will be in a Day After Tomorrow pattern, laden with torrential snows and cold.
  3. WOW, Mt Bachelor! 7 inches snow last night! 7 MORE today! IT'S POURING FRESHIES!! In other depressing news, it is pouring heavy RAIN at 9000 feet at Palisades Tahoe! What a slopfest! Skiers are slushing around with snow sticking to their skis! Get out of there! Head for Mount Bachelor! Free refills and lots of deep stashes! Stay out of tree wells!
  4. I want a Panic Room Special package, with personal access to The Reaper. I am starting to get a BAD FEELING about this........
  5. Damn I resent Lucy so damn much! I am sick of a Lucy Winter in DC! I want you guys to get buried ALIVE in deep pow, with NE winds blowing it right past the streetlights!
  6. Mt Bachelor gets so much snow it is UNBELIEVABLE! They don't slant stick, either. They got 18 inches yesterday, 11 inches the day before, 5 inches day before that. Every weather system hits the North American Continent smashes into the Pac Northwest and Bachelor gets snow. One thing I CRAVE, is MT BAKER getting a high resolution live streaming web cam! Those folks get annihilated all the time! In 1998-99 they piled up over ~1100 inches of pow!
  7. What you guys have coming, is getting 5 million dollared by snow.
  8. Well folks ----- Mammoth Main Lodge is getting snow tonight ---- And the Main Lodge LIGHT is ON!!! https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/main-lodge NO DAMN TEQUILA FOR ME! I AM GONNA WATCH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man that WIND is really blowin all that snow all over the place!!!! At times, the wind gusts to 77mph turning the place into a wild milkshake froth! Kirkwood is getting shredded pretty good, too! https://www.kirkwood.com/the-mountain/mountain-conditions/mountain-cams.aspx
  9. Mt Bachelor is getting smashed by heavy snow too!
  10. Well whaddaya know? I found some moderate snow over at Palisades tonight! Stuff is really coming down! It's NOT comin down for the Main Lodge lights at Mammoth though. https://www.palisadestahoe.com/mountain-information/webcams#tab=alpine and https://www.palisadestahoe.com/mountain-information/webcams#tab=palisades Stevens Pass is getting walloped right now!! Check out these live cams! That snow is comin down HARD and it is PILING UP! https://www.stevenspass.com/the-mountain/mountain-conditions/mountain-cams.aspx
  11. Pattern is starting to favor the East again, especially just after New Years. Sorry for the Optimism but this Room is gonna shut down. Mid Atlantic is gonna get snow and very cold!
  12. Pattern is going to favor the East, specifically the Mid Atlantic for a while. Hey, it had to take a break out west sometime. You can tell me all about how drunk I still am, as you try to dig out of 2-3 feet of wind blown TROWAL snow. Better stock up on shovels and at least two decent blowers.
  13. I ate waaaaaay too many ribs. No more frackin' Tequila for me. That crap made me miss nearly a foot of fresh pow last night at Mammoth. I am in deep mourning over missing out on all that snow blowing past that Main Lodge Light for hours and hours.
  14. This is unbelievable. You guys are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Overdue!
  15. Hey CoastalWx, we want all of you New England peeps to enjoy Christmas with your families and friends, and you shall have record amounts of deep powder come January 2025 right into June!
  16. Dammit! I missed 11 inches of new pow at Mammoth last night because I tried some Mexican tequila and passed out fvck! Damn damn damn! I forgot about mammoth and by the time I remembered, it was over. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!! NO MORE SNOW THERE TIL LATE JAN! I MISSED MY CHANCE!
  17. Meanwhile, in other news, it is raining HARD only a few miles east of Buda, and I am crying bah-humbug, because these are major rain producing storms and we are missing out dammit.
  19. This is beyond Fabulous! The snow gods WILL smile on the DC region this winter, bringing lots of deep powder and vodka cold! H2O this is so damn good you just won a full semi chock full of ice cold IPA's free of charge!
  20. Palisades Tahoe is getting smashed by snow right now, with 7 fresh inches already on the ground! Pile it up! Pile it up! https://www.palisadestahoe.com/mountain-information/webcams#tab=alpine Man you gotta see that HUGE BROBDINGNAGIAN pacific moisture feed lining up aimed STRAIGHT AT Palisades and Mammoth!!
  21. George BM I ask that you write us up a nice blockbuster blizzard event for the DC Area for the new January 2025 Banter thread. Please describe a developing superstorm with a huge Brobdingnagian TROWAL and Mammoth -like snow amounts for the entire region, to the tune of 6 feet along with 40 to 70 mph winds from the NE. Let's start the New Year off proper.
  22. Congrats to you all on your Christmas winter event, and congrats to us down in the Lone Star State as we celebrate 80 degrees today!!!!! With a 60 degree dewpoint! I was out conducting summer-like jebwalks, short ones to be sure, I had summer attire on, hard to believe with NYE only a week away! I was drinking gallons of hard lemonade like an overly hot horse after winning the Preakness!
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