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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. I had a hundred dollars wagered on the Texans. F***
  2. Wow Mid Atlantic! You guys nearly got us beat in Buda TX for high temps! I'm jealous
  3. WOW! I am gonna have to find just the EDM track for this! Thats a LOT of fresh snow! I can fly right over if you need some help diggin' out..........
  4. These pics are now gracing my laptop! I am blasting some killer EDM tracks at 225 decibels as I look at that snow! YOU REALLY NEED TO AMPLIFY THE SPEAKERS TO EIGHTEEN WHEN YOU PLAY THIS TRACK IN THE PRESENCE OF SNOW!
  5. Enjoy! Winter is about to hit you guys in earnest! Models show changes upcoming!
  6. Man I hope you guys get plastered! I looked at the forecast, everything looks on track for a snow event up in the Mid Atlantic! Looks like my old neighborhood in Dale City will get snow as well!
  7. Might need to help those folks dig out. Sounds like a snow job to me, lol
  8. Hey all you big strong apes! You wanna live forever?! Head for Rt 9! They are gonna get plastered with snow! Thats what i would do if I were there right now!
  9. This is definitely in the Mid Atlantic Region's future this low sun season, except it will extend much farther south and the snow totals will be deeper. It wont be the only snowstorm either! You guys' time is comin!
  10. It does get cold enough overnight down here in central Texas for snowmaking lol. Just had a couple nights down into the middle 20s! Thanks! I might check this out!
  11. Attention all snow weenies who are on the Ledge: There IS Hope. This is going to be one of the frigidest, snowiest winters in Mid Atlantic History. Christmas is just around the corner and then New Years, which will usher in a truly WINTRY SNOW FILLED New Year here in the Mid Atlantic!
  12. Here's to hoping that baby bump thump smashes the entire Mid Atlantic with a good snow!
  13. This would definitely be a very good time to take a drive up Rt 7 and Rt 9 goin towards CharlesTown W VA! Its gonna be snowin and blowin up there!
  14. This storm next week. It is the beginning of the massive bitter cold snow winter in the DC Region in 2019-2020. Its going to get very very cold at times and you will see snow after snow after snow after snow. You all are going to get so much model watching, that you will get sick and tired of it. Get the shovels ready! The DC Region is right on track for one of the biggest snow winters since 2009-2010! This could be far worse! Some of the seasonal snow tallies may exceed what Boston saw in the 2014-2015 Winter, the winter that was backloaded for DC.
  15. Late in the upcoming new week or next weekend, things will take a colder turn. Might want to keep an eye on those models.
  16. I can truly see what is coming later this low sun season in the Mid Atlantic, very cold and lots of snow, but since many cannot see what I easily see as though it were gonna hit tomorrow, it will be high entertainment to watch many book early packages in the modern Panic Room Resort lmfao! I dont comprehend why so many panic already. It is, after all, only late November. It doesnt look good right now, but things are gonna change. Mid Atlantic is gonna be sick and tired of the white stuff by late Jan 2020. You will have had more than enough of stayin up weeks at a time tracking the models! You will be tired of shoveling snow. You will be fed the fook up with the humiliating fights for parking spaces not blocked by tall snow banks! You will have had it with all the careless plow drivers plowing you into your driveways overnight with a 5 foot berm of frozen snow that you then have to laboriously chip thru just to try and get to work on time! Many will cry for Spring, but the damned Trough in the East will not relent right into the early spring months of 2020. There will be so much damn snow on the Eastern Seaboard that skiers will be able to cross country ski from Maine clear down to Atlanta, Ga! You reside in Washington DC or the Greater Washington Metropolitan Region, you can take this right to the Bank! This is going to be a severe snow winter!
  17. Yeah we are watchin it too! Meanwhile in other news - Dale City has a 60 percent chance of snow showers on Monday night. Might want to check that out.
  18. May 10. Troughing and snow will go on and on and on and on in the Mid Atlantic well into Met Spring.
  19. BWI: 48.6" DCA: 45.3" IAD: 54.9” RIC: 20.6" Tiebreaker SBY: 21.4" I'm tellin you all, this is going to be a very very snowy and very cold winter for the entire Mid Atlantic Region. It is setting up, and its gonna be classic! We are right on track!
  20. WxWatcher007 - I see your pic below your name. It is HIGH EFFIN' TIME you are Back! You will ALWAYS Be The Reaper. The Reaper never dies. The Reaper never retires.
  21. Beware the positive PDO. It will shunt very frigid air into the US. It also has a tendency to cause Texas and the Eastern US, Mid Atlantic Region inclusive, to experience much more precip than is normal. These anomalies will help bring about a much colder and very much snowier winter in the Mid Atlantic, and I suspect, possibly into the southern plains at times. Washington DC will be obliterated by ridiculously frigid air and snow. Nor'easters loaded with high wind and torrential snow will be common thru this winter! Some of these nor'easters will devastate major metros up and down the Eastern Seaboard with strong winds and a ton of fresh snows, to be followed up by incredibly frigid airmasses. Strong cold advection will blow much of the fresh snow around, creating monster drifts. Many of you in the Washington DC Metropolitan Region will be utterly WEARY of shoveling snow! You will cry for the Jebman to come back and dig you all out! This past arctic front was VERY COLD in south Texas where I reside. Today we only managed low 40s for highs. This, at a time when 71 degrees is normal down here! Tonight we will dip possibly to the low 20s! This, at a time when we should hit the low 50s for lows! Last night it got so damned cold that the rain changed to sleet and freezing rain and elevated surfaces became coated with an eighth of an inch of fresh ice! I damn near smashed up my lower back trying to obtain a rainfall reading last night! It was dark and I never saw the ice! Wind chills were brutal, in the single digits at times! That north wind gusted to 45 mph at times! Trust me, it was no time for a jebwalk. I tried. It was very, very cold and stuff was breaking off trees and flying around in the strong gusts. This is going to be a very severe, extremely cold and very snowy winter, all over the US. The Mid Atlantic is going to be particularly hard hit.
  22. To add to Blizzard of 93's ideas above..... Buda Texas has fallen from 72 degrees to 30 in hours, changing the light rain to light sleet and light FRZRA down here! I damn near fell on my ass tonight tryin to get a rainfall reading! There was ice all over the damn wood deck! This is very very extreme for us in south central Texas!!!! This should not happen down here until mid Jan or Feb, IF AT ALL MOST YEARS. The fact that it is happening in mid November could have serious implications down the road, especially for the Mid Atlantic. My uncle in Wisconsin has already seen TWO nights at -10! Thats without the wind! Their normal low is mid 30s. I think that this is going to be an extremely cold winter all over the country east of the Rockies, and in many places, very well above normal snowfall, some of it reaching record territory. I am definitely not used to this any more, I think 62 dewpoints at night are cool weather lmao. Its cold as heck down here! We are getting northerly wind gusts to 43mph. The wind chills are getting into the teens and even the upper single numbers. This is making me feel like I never left northern Virginia! LOL!
  23. Its going to be cold as hell is hot, all over. Even south central Texas where I reside has been cold as fook! I'm not even used to this anymore lmao! Buda TX is supposed to be in the upper 30s FOR HIGHS next Tuesday! Our normal LOW, is 53! Thats 36 degrees below normal! Its not the first time this season. Something is deranging the North American weather pattern this fall/winter, in a good way. Forecasters down here are even beginning to talk of a Pacific disturbance interacting with next weeks' Siberian Front, possibly bringing wintry weather here in Buda! IN NOVEMBER! That has a hard time happening down here in January! My uncle lives up in Wisconsin, they hit -4 already one night! Thats REAL COLD for them this time of year. The Mid Atlantic is going to be totally obliterated this winter, by ridiculous frigid values and by near record, to outright record snows! You better get your snowblowers, Jebman snow shovels, ice melter and snowmobiles NOW, or else get down to Cancun, while you still can!
  24. The Mid Atlantic isnt going to be the only region this winter with frigid cold and near record, to outright record amounts of wind driven snow! You guys are gonna get obliterated as well! Some of you in Upstate are going to get BURIED ALIVE by LES!
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