I can truly see what is coming later this low sun season in the Mid Atlantic, very cold and lots of snow, but since many cannot see what I easily see as though it were gonna hit tomorrow, it will be high entertainment to watch many book early packages in the modern Panic Room Resort lmfao!
I dont comprehend why so many panic already. It is, after all, only late November. It doesnt look good right now, but things are gonna change.
Mid Atlantic is gonna be sick and tired of the white stuff by late Jan 2020. You will have had more than enough of stayin up weeks at a time tracking the models! You will be tired of shoveling snow. You will be fed the fook up with the humiliating fights for parking spaces not blocked by tall snow banks! You will have had it with all the careless plow drivers plowing you into your driveways overnight with a 5 foot berm of frozen snow that you then have to laboriously chip thru just to try and get to work on time! Many will cry for Spring, but the damned Trough in the East will not relent right into the early spring months of 2020. There will be so much damn snow on the Eastern Seaboard that skiers will be able to cross country ski from Maine clear down to Atlanta, Ga!
You reside in Washington DC or the Greater Washington Metropolitan Region, you can take this right to the Bank!
This is going to be a severe snow winter!