I have been sayin this all winter, The Washington DC Metropolitan Region will get shellacked by snow this low sun season.
This is when it will happen, and it will be one to remember. You will be telling your grandkids about it.
It will be highly anomalous and it will absolutely destroy the DC Region with snow. It will be a total assault.
At the same exact time where I am, in Austin, TX, it will be 88 degrees with 68 dewpoints. I will love it, because I will go thru any hot humid weather so that DC can have tremendous anomalous snows and cold. I love DC so damned much, I'd happily go thru 105 degrees and 84 degree dewpoints in March here in Austin so that DC can have a once in 10000 year snow and cold! I would go thru ANYTHING for you guys in DC! I spent 55 years in that region!
You can take this one directly to the bank. Get those Jebman Shovels ready. Whatever it is that you drink to stay awake, you better stock up, because you are all gonna be doing some major-league model tracking!