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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. Someone needs to get a fvckin' whip and make those lazy GM workers work harder! We NEED those damned VENTILATORS! Whip em until they build 500,000 ventilators! Torture 'em if you have to! Extreme circumstances demand extreme measures! GM said they'd make ventilators! YOUR WORD IS WHO YOU ARE. We dont got time for excuses! PEOPLE ARE DYIN!
  2. Yeah this doggone virus has us caught between a rock and a very dark, very hard place.
  3. This whole thing is scary as heck. I'm 56. I get corona, I will die. Our economy will be shot straight to heck. I dont like the idea of having to relive what my grandparents had to live thru in the Great Depression. I know I wont enjoy Great Depression II. On the other hand - I am happy to have known all of you. I had a great life in VA with all the snows. No one ever promised that I'd live to see 60, let alone 70 or 80. The news just keeps getting worse and worse and worse and worse.
  4. Track it. Its gonna evolve to a 6 inch snow all across guidance.
  5. This. I have been sayin this all winter, The Washington DC Metropolitan Region will get shellacked by snow this low sun season. This is when it will happen, and it will be one to remember. You will be telling your grandkids about it. It will be highly anomalous and it will absolutely destroy the DC Region with snow. It will be a total assault. At the same exact time where I am, in Austin, TX, it will be 88 degrees with 68 dewpoints. I will love it, because I will go thru any hot humid weather so that DC can have tremendous anomalous snows and cold. I love DC so damned much, I'd happily go thru 105 degrees and 84 degree dewpoints in March here in Austin so that DC can have a once in 10000 year snow and cold! I would go thru ANYTHING for you guys in DC! I spent 55 years in that region! You can take this one directly to the bank. Get those Jebman Shovels ready. Whatever it is that you drink to stay awake, you better stock up, because you are all gonna be doing some major-league model tracking!
  6. You guys are really way ahead of spring schedule. So are we down in S Cen TX, 2 foot high grass in places, blooming, and leafout gettin underway! We've mowed the lawn TWICE already!
  7. We hit 76/65 down here in S Cen TX today. Dewpoint has been a pleasant 65 for a couple days now. We experienced a few of those back on Jan and Feb lol. The spring warmth is coming pretty early for us too.
  8. Don't forget that anomalous Greater Antilles Ridge! Its been so warm down here in central TX, that I am ALREADY pretty much used to low 60s dewpoints already, even mid 60s dewpoints! It was doing that many times in Jan and Feb! Central Texas is VERY VERY different from Northern Virginia, lol. Lot less rain, too. I killed off many plants last summer from overwatering them, because of my Washingtonian climatological mindset lmao!
  9. Maybe it gets old for you, but you all know me - I want snow even if I lived in a region with 10,000 inches of snow in a single season. I'd dig it all - WITH A JEBMAN SHOVEL. You'd NEVER hear me complain about too much snow!
  10. Incredible footage! I saw a little of that, minus the snowpack right here in Austin earlier in Feb, for about an hour! It even accumulated a quarter inch on north facing slopes! A quarter inch of snow is roughly equivalent to a 4-6 inch snowstorm in Dale City VA. Wow man that is a TON of snow! It's definitely NOT fake snow, either!
  11. I am pounding sand and thorns in Texas, but I still believe in snow hitting DC this season. There is still time. I have seen stranger winter weather in the 50 or so years I used to live there, lol. I know its a bad pattern, but there is still time. About those thorns, they have trees down here with 4 inch thorns on the branches! I had to remove some! Man was that entertaining! LOL
  12. Both the high lat pattern and the Pac contribute to what could have been a massively spectacular winter. But Washington DC is STILL gonna get annihilated later this month or in Morch, by a very deep snowstorm and by frigid temps!
  13. No, I didnt. He and I both see what is coming. Its 'gon snow!
  14. march will be one for the record books, in terms of unusual cold and unusual deep snows for the Washington Metropolitan Region
  15. It IS gonna snow again, IN Balto and Washington DC this month and/or next month!
  16. I am really falling in love with college football! NFL football, too!
  17. Well we had a 20 percent chance for rain and sleet tonight in Buda TX. The forecast was wrong. It snowed, HARD and fast. The temp dropped to 34 and the north wind blew those dendrites past the streetlights and I was out on a very happy jebwalk! I was blasting old school ELO songs in the midst of very large very wet snowflakes, savoring a trip down memory lane! It looked so much like Northern Virginia! But I was standing in South Austin, rubbing my eyes, pinching myself, kept on thinking I MUST be dreaming! It was 80 degrees yesterday with a 65 dewpoint! Now, it was snowing hard and even sticking to elevated surfaces! We ended up with about a quarter inch of snow on the grass and on many elevated surfaces like car tops, bushes, trash can lids. Crazy Texas weather can be amazing! I think Midland TX well to my west got 7 inches! This was a very happy trip down memory lane but it will probably be my last for a couple more years! Local snow climo is about three quarters of an inch in a winter. So tonights quarter inch snowfall equates to a major winter storm of 4-6 inches in N VA. I enjoyed it. There's snow out there right now on the wood patio! Might have to sneak out there at 3am local time and roll in it like old times in Dale City after a 2 foot HECS! LOL!
  18. You're not going to believe this but I noticed brining on the access roads in Buda and Kyle in Texas tonight! Over a slight chance of sleet and light snow sometime in the next 24 hours lolz. LOL we have enough trouble down here just getting enough RAIN!
  19. Man I have GOT to go see that! I'll dig so damn much snow, I'll build em a hell of a gap jump!
  20. Take a really good look at that map. Because the Mid Atlantic is gonna get hammered by that much snow in February! Get the Shovels Ready!
  21. Next month is the Superbowl, in Miami, and in Washington DC. A snowstorm will develop next month and once all those players get on the DC field of play, The Entire Mid Atlantic is gonna get totally annihilated by snow. It will be THE SUPERBOWL of snowstorms, and the Washington Metropolitan Region is gonna win BIG. Edit - Mods please feel free to delete this - I forgot it is the analysis topic, not the banter topic lol.
  22. You guys are gonna get pasted!
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