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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. Yep, east will flip from unusual chill, over to some warmth. TX will get pretty hot too. We might even get more rain Saturday, but far more likely to see high 80s with 69 dewpoints and sun.
  2. Ended up with over 6 inches of rain today. This is very very highly unusual for central TX. Yearly total is now nearly 19 inches, in a climo that struggles to hit 30 inches in one year. It was very surreal today as I tried to complete chores down here on the mini farm of sorts, and the rain was just getting too damn heavy lmao!
  3. Down here in Buda TX, we are getting hammered by all this heavy rain! It has been smashing us for nearly 2 HOURS! This is VERY unusual for us. Dry season starts about now. Its so bad I cant even get out to my rain bucket lmao! I'd estimate about 4 inches and still getting hammered by heavy rains!
  4. Oh okay. I am sorry. You can delete it if necessary.
  5. Wow you guys just got hit by rain, now you're gonna get smacked AGAIN on Weds! Would you have a look at that radar! https://radar.weather.gov/Conus/full_loop.php Just WOW! I miss that! It hit 95/72 today in Buda TX lmao! You'd never know our normal high temp is 84! Can we have some of your rain?
  6. Wow you guys are sure getting a ton of rain! Could you send me some please? LOL
  7. We have freedom, but it comes with a heavy price. Its already hot as heck down here! It gets much worse in another 6 weeks, lol. Highs around 102 and lows around 84, dewpoints near 74 for weeks and weeks on end. No hope for major cold front relief til about late October. You just might want to think about that before trying out our climate, lol. And, it is MUCH drier. Much less rain, much milder winters, our January average is 60 for a high. And winter allergies! I cough up my lungs for 2 months just from cedar, starting around Christmas, I dont need COVID to sound like an old geezer, cedar does that for me every winter. If I ever get COVID + Cedar, I'll be sunk without a trace lmao!
  8. Bring that hand sanitizer too, and use it a lot and use it often. Wear a mask, social distance, dont touch your face, and use the hand sanitizer a lot. Even put some on touchpoints in your car! This is what I do.
  9. Too damn bad I cant find isopropyl alcohol anywhere in Central TX. I probably wont, for years.
  10. Back in 2018, there was plenty of sanitizer. I got the flu that January, probably from stayin out too long during a particularly long jebwalk, in 8 degree weather. So, I panicked and bought plenty of sanitizer! Now I have some but I am still trying to find more!
  11. I dont take a chance. It's already summer hot down here, but I wear the mask. I'd rather wear a hot mask for a while, then catch COVID then end up on one of those ventilators for weeks............... I am carrying around a bottle of hand sanitizer too. Can't hurt to keep putting it on my hands when in public. Just think about how many people touch a fueling nozzle at the gas station. I sanitize my hands a LOT!!!!!!!! I'll happily gamble with my money about a year from now when COVID is gone. But I WON'T gamble with my LIFE!
  12. These are definitely very concerning times. I have a good mask (but not an N 95 though) and a lot of hand sanitizer. I am definitely distancing. I have a feeling we are going to be doing this for quite a while as we try to slow the spread. I hope your friend in MD stays safe. Those Bluebonnets are nice! I got a ton of em right in my own yard down here! Enjoy them on your road trip! Be very very careful!
  13. I figured West Texas would be in very good shape. I am in Hays County. You can bet I am staying far the hell away from Austin. I probably wont go back into Austin, until mid 2021. Hays is in good shape too, though not as good as in western TX.
  14. Does huffin' Nitrous back in high school count?
  15. This will take your mind of of COVID 19. Imagine how terrible it would be if you were stuck in this situation!
  16. I just shudder to think what would happen in this country if there was a second wave. Do you think we could stand another wave of Mitigation? I can. I'll never get bored with all the chores I have every day. But what about everyone else?
  17. You are never, ever gonna get this virus. Corona would have to be crazy to mess with you lol.
  18. We ARE gonna die. You're gonna die. I'm gonna die. We're all gonna die. Just not today. We are gonna kick Coronavirus's azz. Its gonna take us awhile, but we ARE gonna win! We will prevail, and this too shall pass.
  19. Really pleasant day today in Central Texas, topped out at 90 degrees with a dewpoint of 73! Felt kind of like 96, lol. Normal high/low is 76/55. We are getting a kind of early start to summer down here lol.
  20. We all need a laugh in these times! This track got played in HEB today! HEB in Texas is kind of like Giant Food in Dale City Va. You can add this to your Quarantine Playlist!
  21. IF WE STICK TO DILIGENT MITIGATION, as we have been doing, I think this could trend even better, with respect to even less mortality.
  22. I do wear a mask when going out for groceries and I carry a big bottle of pharmacy grade hand sanitizer. I keep 6-10 feet from everyone. I aint takin NO chances. NO effin' way I am ever gonna get COVID 19!
  23. One thing about livin on 6 acres in Central Texas is I keep plenty busy. Mowing grass, its already spring down here big time, 62 dewpoints. Feedin the miniature donkeys, cats, puppies, cleaning the house, disinfecting the touchpoints all over, sweeping all the oak leaves all the time, work work work! Sure I'm "quarantined" but I dont get to sit around and "enjoy" it like so many folks. Gotta keep busy and work is life down here in the Deep South LOL! I keep an eye on the news but I dont let it bother me too much, I keep busy and I am damn GLAD I dont live in New York City.
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