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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. You'll get those Jebman Jebwalks in daylight with moderate snow. You'll get outright heavy snow too! Then, it will happen at night, and you'll be treated to huge snowflakes blowing by the streetlights! It'll be an EPIC jebwalk!
  2. The entire Mid Atlantic region is going to get so much snow, that you will have to shovel your way to your car. Not only that, you'll have trouble getting out of your WINDOWS because of the DRIFTS!
  3. Later this month and especially next month are starting to look very good for snow and cold for the Mid Atlantic! Things are lining up! There's gonna be a lot of model watching! Ready those shovels up there! The Reaper is goin out of business!
  4. Yeah, I think that is what happened. Its 34 degrees and falling down here, mod to heavy snow, all surfaces are white now, even the ground, the grass, and elevated places. Its half an inch and increasing! This is totally surreal! Not what I expect living down here at all. Looks like it got colder and changed over much earlier than even what the models were indicating lol. Now they upped us to 2 inches. That, is a massive snowstorm down here, kind of like a HECS in Dale City, given our seasonal snow climo is three quarters of an inch. Better look out because the Mid Atlantic is next!
  5. Its kind of surreal seeing a winter weather advisory in my part of the world. We usually dont see snow down here in Buda TX lol. Rain developing tonight , into tomorrow, it will be changing over to snow after 12 noon, possibly accumulating 1-2 inches which is WAYYYYYYYYY over normal climatology for south central Texas lol. Normal climo snow for south central Texas is three quarters of an inch of snow in a season lol. Just 20 miles or so north, about 6 inches in possible banding lol. Its surreal. I almost feel like I am back in northern Virginia lol. Models are trending colder lol. You know what they say, The trend is your friend......
  6. Accuweather radar maps really outclass NWS at this point in time lmao https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/free/47944/weather-radar/2109967
  7. We are being downgraded. Just wait til severe season. The new radar is worthless. To have a good radar, have to pay good money for it. Since I'm on a budget, I think I'll go fishing lol. No radar, no weather
  8. Glad to see a Meteorologist agrees with me. We have all been seriously downgraded, back to stupid 1990s crap. Not only is the new radar map damn near useless, it is an embarrassment.
  9. Glad they found her and she's okay. After extensive research of this storm - I have now decided that my favorite snow town is now Binghamton, New York. No one out deathbands Binghamton in a snowstorm. Binghamton has got Jay Peak Vermont beatdown. Jay Peak Vermont is so 1995 anyway. As of today - I will be keeping daily weather records on Binghamton NY and will add this fabulous city to my list of locations I keep weather records about each day.
  10. This, is definitely sig-worthy. Couldnt have stated it better myself.
  11. No problem! Just grab the shovel, clear the rest. Just another routine winter day in SNE.
  12. He sure will. Maybe even more. That deathband isnt going anywhere for a while. It is only growing.
  13. Yeah I remember that storm even down in Dale City VA, the radar just exploded, got windy and lots of snow, snow blowin all over. It got snow all over my shoveled driveway and walk, I was forced to do it all over again lmao!
  14. Three feet of snow. I'd love to go dig them out so bad...........
  15. They got this crazy death band that just keeps on producing. Wild, wild subforum up there, snow rates to absolutely die for!
  16. I hope you get TOTALLY OBLITERATED! Completely DESTROYED! Lets park the dethband over your 'hood for a couple of days.
  17. CONGRATS! It WILL hold thru Christmas! This, is ONLY the beginning. This is the start of a winter that shall be long remembered in the Mid Atlantic, and torrential snows are coming soon to places that saw mix or rain today. You can Bank on it! Better Yet, Bank on Bitcoin lol! It hit 22000 today! Thats up 2500 just in the past 9 hours! Dont forget to pile that snow up HIGH on the north side of sunlight-blocking objects like your house! Pile it super high! Make sure everyone KNOWS you worship snow!
  18. Stephens City will get shellacked and totally annihilated.
  19. You're gonna get totally SHELLACKED by heavy snow.
  20. Mountain Geek - I think you live in the higher elevations. You're probably gonna exceed a foot.
  21. I dont mean to be an overexcited snow weenie here, but I just read that Prince William County in Virginia is under a Winter Storm Watch for MORE than 5 inches of snow! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-----HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. This storm presents a resplendent opportunity to take a drive up Rt 28, north to Rt 7, over the Skyway to the West Bypass Rt 7 and on up to and over Rt 9, clear to the West Virginia State Line. You will see incredible gradations of increases in snow all along the way. Dale City will get plenty of snow, with maybe a little sleet, but if you choose to watch it from Charles Town West Virginia, it will present jebwalk prime conditions as close to 20 inches of the white gold pile up!
  23. Hope you are in good jebwalkin' shape. Don't look now, but ANOTHER weather system is gonna smash into y'all later, as a storm passes off the NC Coast later this week. This will be a snowy FRIGID Winter long remembered throughout the Washington DC Metropolitan region! The Reaper is definitely gonna retire. He's gonna be fresh out of work. There's going to be way too much snow, for him to even have a hope of Reapin' anyone.
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