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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. Latest models holdin' out hope for maybe 5 inches of water for Mammoth! Wow could be a bit over FIVE FEET of fresh pow! Talk about refills tomorrow! I can hardly wait to feast on streaming cameras while blasting every ELO track I can find!
  2. Anyone lookin' to go skiing soon? Consider Tahoe or Mammoth Wed night thru Friday! Cold storm with huge aggregates will pile up massive pow accums, to the tune of 30 to 50 inches, especially above 6K feet. Winds will be fun too, with serious whiteout conds extant thru the entire period. Lots free refills! Watch out for tree wells!
  3. Its POURING SNOW at Mammoth right now! https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/woolly-cam Free refills! They are going to get at at least 13 inches today!
  4. We have some snow falling at Mammoth. Maybe a few inches tonight. They got 6 inches today. https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/main-lodge
  5. More snow in Watertown, NY!!!
  6. I agree with you. Age is catching up to me. But I love to watch it on streaming vids. Too bad the Northeast Ski Resorts stole the Winter from Mammoth. I have to wait til next season. Damn Killington and Jay Peak. I guess Killington is killing it this winter. See what I did there?
  7. Damn! I missed it! No storms in the Sierra. I am gonna have to watch this space. I'll get my fix one way or another.
  8. Pattern has changed. Poor Mammoth will probably not even get one more flake of snow. This is going to be one of the sub 200 inch season years for them. Killington and Jay Peak have stolen the Winter from the West Coast. Because of all that cold air in the Plains. We only got above freezing today! Even poor Mt Bachelor only got flurries. Damn I wanted to watch more heavy snow get blown off the Main Lodge roof at Mammoth. Too bad I gotta wait til December 2025. Damn damn, damn! January and February have been so damn cold down here, this will go down as the coldest winter overall in the Austin Region. We had three weeks of frigid weather last month, then another extremely cold week this month. What plants didnt get killed in January, February destroyed. I will start from scratch. We had twelve purple martins in the gourds. They are all DEAD. Worst frigid winter in south Texas in living memory. Climate change is fierce. Heck, we might even one day end up colder than DC lmao.
  9. I am holding out for a March 1993 Redux.
  10. Walking outside, in that WIND and low 20s nonsense, feels a lot as if you could somehow walk in solid 21 degree ice, breathe it, walk in it, and it blows past you like air. It is THAT frackin utterly COLD! I am so accustomed to spending 7-10 months working outside in delightful 77 dewpoints and 97 degree ambient temps. I can sleep for hours in the shade in that stuff. But this freezing cold ridiculous stuff is a living freezing hell. Nevermore have I so wished for a time machine, to take me to August 10 this year. It would be like coming Home, to Heaven in every way. 104 degrees, brilliant sun, all the grass is dead, lots of Texas dust, and a soothing 75 dewpoint. And nice 15 mph south winds straight off the Gulf of America! And weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks of summer weather yet to go! It can hit 95 degrees for Christmas down here! All we need is a subtropical ridge, from 1000mb clear to 1mb. Something like that could become semipermanent and never move for many months!
  11. Forecast high today is 39. It's STUCK at 26 degrees. With 30 mph northerly winds. Tonight, down to 14 with 30 mph north winds. Good bye to all our plants. Last night, forecast low, 26. It plummeted to 19 with 45 mph gusts. It was cold as northern Alaska. At least to us way down here in south Texas. This, is a badass arctic front. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
  12. How did you guys know? I posted about hating cold in Buda thinking everyone would think I was down in Buda! ELO is one of my FAVORITE bands associated with rapidly accumulating Lake Effect Snows! Like this track! I BLASTED THIS in the 2003 Presidents Day Blizzard while I was at Massanutten jebwalking around while carrying my snow shovel there! You'll want to blast it at at least 130 decibels!
  13. This arctic front means business! It is getting cold and windy and we will lose all the plants that managed to survive all the other arctic outbreaks! I am sick and tired of winter in south Texas! I crave 87/74 with sun and 2 mph south winds. Temp fell from 61/60, to 40/39 in seconds and those north winds are already gusting to 33! We got no mountains to protect us down here! Yellowknife is coming down here at orbital velocities! Its so damn cold I don't even want to go outside. I am definitely not the young man I once was! I need my 80s/70 weather just to get started in the morning. Sometimes, I wish I lived in the deep amazon. I don't think they have ever seen a front in several million years. Just beautiful deep green jungle and warm humid weather every day.
  14. Hopefully there will be one more good snow you guys track then enjoy.
  15. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would move to Mammoth and worship snow. I would relax in a lawn chair in the middle of the Woolly Lot during a 9 foot AR and blast 1970s tracks that remind me of snow jebwalks. I'd be the ski resort mascot lmao, always chilling in the 6 inch an hour rates amid strong refreshing Sierra breezes. Them models almost NEVER fail.
  16. Probably shoot straight to 90 degrees with 72 dews and scorching sun in Texas in early March. Winter has sure been freezing COLD! Lawn is primed, we have had 7 inches of rain already this year and some of the grass is already 14 inches tall. Mower is shot and I am super POOR and fresh out of money. Might have to pull it by hand lmao. Been wishing for warmth. I'm gonna get my wish.
  17. Don't forget the rich butter. And the popcorn salt.
  18. As far as I know Dale City scored 10.5 inches in Jan and a 2 incher then 10 more inches in Feb. This is how we made it this season to 22.5. We are well over climo.
  19. They are starting threads to bring the Feb 20 storm back. It will come back soon. We got four days.
  20. 3 inches is fine. Just pads the 'ole stats
  21. WXRisk has Dale City in 7 inches of snow. I'd take that. 29 inches on the season FTW!
  22. The storm is coming back. The new thread did it!
  23. Watertown NY is getting some snow today and tonight!
  24. DT mentioned the western kicker in a video yesterday on youtube.
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