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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Saw what could have been a very narrow, cone shaped rain shaft? Any sightings of a tornado what appears to be around Newark, from my vantage point in Garwood (central Union County NJ)? I took some video, but it is not very discernible. Looked like it became two vortices? Again, I could be greatly mistaken.
  2. Thanks for the data. Loosely, I would say the lake effect snow machine was NOT in full swing this season.
  3. Indeed it did feel like one of the coldest. I wore a hard hat this morning outside, and my skull felt like it was frozen. Never felt like that skiing, not even in sub zero temps...
  4. I always hate the time of the year when the inevitability of Spring is staring me in the face.
  5. Yes, the snow fog has begun, kinda like our version of the Chinook...
  6. Friday was fun in a way, snowing almost all day, with the precip constantly backfilling, but disappointed yesterday with the 3.5" of sleet and snow. Trying to enjoy, as this can be the last true winter weather until next season. Hope I'm wrong. Maybe just a "January Thaw" coming up?
  7. Only the slightest of sleet 2 miles from ya for the last half hour. Maybe we got 3"? Very disappointed, was hoping for 6" +, because I'm a greedy duck. Only reason we got warm air intrusion is because the precip slacked off too quick.
  8. Don't know what happened. Just when the heaviest bands were approaching, someone pulled the plug...
  9. Just shy of 3" in central Union County NJ at 11:50 AM. Sleet and re-frozen snow flakes (not graupel) falling, lightly now.
  10. Pretty big bust, though that was fortunate. I thought plain rain was obvious...
  11. It looks like the system is going off to our south?
  12. Light drizzle in Linden NJ at 11:30 AM.
  13. 5.0" at 1:30 PM. Thought we would get an easy 7" in central Union County, NJ, but it will be difficult to squeak out another inch before accumulating snow ends before 3 PM?
  14. 4" in central Union County, NJ. at 11:30AM. Snowing moderate to heavy at the moment...
  15. Thanks for the article and relatively short read. I couldn't help but notice the author kept relating the warming to greenhouse gases, which seems unnecessary to keep repeating, since it is academic that greenhouse gases will increase atmospheric temperatures. It is also somewhat self evident that extreme northern areas that did not receive a lot of snow will have increased frequency and amounts of snowfall. Also, the recent "atmospheric river" which just slammed the west coast with extreme snowfalls is a good example of warm oceanic air causing an increase in snowfall. However, I'm not sure if the original low that reached our area had any added moisture from the pacific atmospheric river. The low weakened, and a new low formed along the Atlantic coast. The author initially mentions many atmospheric circulations, but doesn't seem to tie them in to his conclusion? So in areas like the NYC metro area, where snow is so difficult to come by, is the increase in overall temperature the primary reason for larger snowfalls? Obviously as global temperatures increase, snow around here will become significantly infrequent. I think this would be a great study for someone who is not as lazy or mathematically challenged as I am.
  16. While this sounds probable, I am not convinced that the warmer climate is the reason for higher snowfall amounts. Snow in the NYC metro area has always been difficult to come by. It seems most systems have always been on the edge of the rain snow line. Cold air is always a necessary ingredient. As temperatures have increased, I find it difficult to believe that the warmer climate is the reason for our bigger snowfalls over the last 20 years. Warmer air holds more moisture, but is the increase in ocean (or air) temperature proportionately related to the higher snow amounts? Is there actual data/studies proving that the warmer climate is leading to increased snowfall in the NYC area, or just supposition? Or maybe it has to do with the track of the systems (perhaps due to a warming climate)?
  17. 12" in Garwood, Central Union County NJ by 11:30AM. Snow almost looked like a little semi melted refrozen flakes mixed in? Anybody see an additional foot for this area? Seems the most intense banding has worked inland.
  18. I take it the rain and or snow for today and tonight have been cancelled?
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