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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Jeff Beradelli used to have great reviews of what went right and what went wrong with the different modeling and forecasts, after a snowstorm. That would be much easier than reading through all the clutter (including mine).
  2. 5 3/4" in Garwood. We wound up in a screw zone, just as intensity became heavy around 7:30 this morning, it began to taper off. Snow just became moderate again about 20 minutes ago. However, if we end up with 6", I can't complain; would have liked to have seen/heard some thundersnow...
  3. Switched to light snow and occasional bright spots. Looks like this is winding down for central Union County NJ.
  4. Hope your right, storm seems to be pulling away even faster? 3.5" here in Garwwod NJ, central Union County. It was snowing heavily, but has backed off to just moderate...
  5. Wow, any further trends south could be hardly anything for NYC?
  6. Dunno, I don't think any MAJOR roadway in NYC (proper) will be terribly affected?
  7. As I eluded, there are exceptions. January 1996 was a huge snowstorm with no temperature issues. Tomorrow is a marginal storm, where it all has to go right...
  8. Just my 2 cents, I have never seen "signifcant" accumulating snow in a marginal temperature situation where dry slotting has occurred at some point during the storm. I don't think it is very common to have a dry slot, followed by heavy accumulating snow under any conditions in the immediate NYC metro area?
  9. I would assume that to be true for most major highways. Local streets would be another story, if rates actually occur?
  10. Banding? What exactly will be the causes? Won't rates be fairly uniform, depending upon your location in relation to the center of the low?
  11. Any type of dry slotting with marginal temperatures spells no accumulation for coastal areas...
  12. this morning's temperature profile looks colder than yesterday's. Still, not ideal for significant snow in the NYC metro area, but definitely improved. If a little more cold air can leak eastward, we might have a better chance, especially if snowfall rates are grater than 1" per hour?
  13. February has traditionally been the snowiest month, but March is when "anything" can "happen"...
  14. I agree, but you can begin to track a storm that far out, as long as you look at other things besides the model outputs. There was never going to be any cold air to tap into...
  15. Live by the models, die by the models. One might ask themselves, is this model correct? WHERE is the even remotely marginally cold air coming from?
  16. This morning, Quebec is generally in the mid 20s. Obviously this will change, but this area will likely warm as temperatures are expected to hit near 60 in NE Jersey on Saturday. You would need some rapid cooling in Northern New England Sunday into Monday for any cold air to be tapped into?
  17. Methinks "Atmospheric Rivers" is a media created term, and it stuck.
  18. What was your lowest temperature so far this season?
  19. Unfortunately, even with flooding reservoirs, this volume will not last the entire year. Much of it is wasted, as flood waters spill into areas not used for potable water uses. What seems to be the key, in California, is enough "stored" water, in the form of snow in the mountainous areas.
  20. Which is why I developed the Snow "triangle" for the greater NYC metro area...
  21. Cooler, drier pattern for NYC, but not sustainable?
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