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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. The High Wind Wanring is one thing, the additional warning to stay in your basement and away from your windows almost sounds like it would be for a Tornado or Hurricane?
  2. I'm sure the NY Mets organization contracts a meteorological company. So what were they looking at yesterday? Sure, the rain was going to slacken off a bit after 8 PM last night, but the game was scheduled for 7:05 PM. Even if it stopped raining completely, there were going to be sporadic showers, after it rained all day. I understand that they are playing an unbalanced scheduled, where they won't be playig Detroit again this season, but you must consider fans that are driving from 2.5 hours away (albeit 35 miles). This isn't the first time this organization screwed the fans. By noon, they should have at least issued a statement that any fan with tickets not coming to last night's game will be refunded (regardless if the game is played or not). Instead, they held the ticket holders hostage, I guess to pay for their $30+ million dollar a year shortshop? Disgraceful. Do they refund the ridiculous parking fees?
  3. My hearing wasn't affected by the eclipse, just lost it, like my ability to make much sense these days...
  4. Just read that 33% of people are unaware that looking directly at the Eclipse can cause retinal damage. In 1970, I dared to take a glimpse, after miserably failing at the pinhole through cardboard "scam" technique, and now I was diagnosed with a 20% hearing loss in one ear.
  5. As of 4 PM, the Mets game is still on for a 7:05PM start.
  6. More recent coal mining removes the tops of the mountains...
  7. Sometimes blending works, but is more of a cop out in my opinion. A real forecaster must utilize instincts based on experience...
  8. I would guess the probability is no different from any other year, despite the incredibly warm and lower snow totals this season to date?
  9. Much of the time we would be below normal to normal temperatures. Then, we would get a cutter, warm up for the storm, and then cool back down. Rinse, repeat...
  10. I thought I heard something very faint landing on the roof earlier this morning...
  11. But I'm jealous of your location...
  12. Saw a flock of robins last month...
  13. I suppose wetter than normal is better than drier than normal, as longer as there is no excessive flooding?
  14. For that area and time period, climatology suggest a 70-80% cloud cover.
  15. Newark is a heat island area. While the airport not as much you would think, as it is away from the city, the blacktop and lack of trees do add to the warmth, even though the wether station is in a grassy area.
  16. and that would be okay, as long as there was some cold air in northern New England or Southeast Canada. Right now, it is seriously warm up there.
  17. Mr. G should remember. I was filling in at CBS NY at the time and told Steve Deshler it looks like a major snowstorm for our area. Mr. G laughed it off.
  18. I'll be gone, but most pundits are predicting doom by 2050.
  19. Wow, negative digits in central and northern Quebec, but looks like it won't do us any good...
  20. Before he even threw a pitch off the mound? I say there was something wrong at the end of last year, which the team ignored and figured it would go away before next season? Perhaps even if the Mets signed Snell and Montgomery, it wouldn't have mattered?
  21. I was EXTREMELY skeptical of the brief cool down this February for the very same reasons...
  22. So you're saying I should have had a high protein diet in my early years? A little late for that...
  23. I don't know, hamsters seem to enjoy their life, living in our kitchen when I was a child. He was very attentive and affectionate. My mother used to feed him different things she was cooking. Some people "cage" dogs. That I don't agree with.
  24. Yeah, they are guaranteed to cover their base costs...
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