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Everything posted by MANDA

  1. Agreed. Looking good around here. Been thinking 4-6" since after 12Z guidance yesterday. Still thinking that this morning. Would be surprised if less than 4 around here but could see a bit more than 6 IF everything fell into place. My largest event so far this season has been 6.5" on 11/22-11/23. Followed by 5.2" on 12/21. We'll see if either of both of those get moved down the list.
  2. Very light snow ongoing here. Just shy of .20" on the day. Cold - 21 degrees.
  3. Had a period of steady very light snow with sun dimly visible a while ago. Left a coating on most everything except road and walks that had remaining salt. Les than .10". Just flurries now. Cold with temperature of 22.
  4. I know, my post was mainly sarcasm for what was a "Buckle Up" period. Gut tells me cold is going to overwhelm the pattern. Certainly not ruling out some light totals over the coming week but I think most of us are looking for something more meaningful. Certainly whatever we get the next week or so will stick around for a while with the impending Arctic blast.
  5. 1.5" here overnight from .08" liquid. Almost 19:1. Expect it will be gone tomorrow under bright sun but will enjoy it while it lasts. Total for the season here is 17.3".
  6. Happy to say I'm doing better than all of those. Sitting at 17.3" on the season. Picked up 1.5" overnight from .08" liquid. Almost 19:1 ratio. Very fluff stuff.
  7. Don't get it either. Mine was $350 last 30 days. That is for a 3,000 SF house with zoned heating. Includes cooking, clothes dryer and two not frequently used gas fireplaces. I can't fathom paying $1000 a month for gas or other heating fuel. Up until this bill my highest in a month was $263. Been here since winter of 2016-17.
  8. Jeez, I fell lucky after seeing your amount! My $350 bill seems like lunch money.
  9. Just got my gas bill for last 30 days. Highest I have ever had while living here (since May 2016) by better than $100. Combination of energy costs and persistent cold. Can't even imagine what it would be like if we had some 70's and 80's era type cold. We're not reckless with the thermostat either.
  10. At least all 3 of them show the trof axis finally west of us and not over or east of us. Obviously don't want it too far west but better than the positioning we have gone through and are going through. Will open the door to the possibility of more freezing or frozen events at least to start. Final outcomes dependent on individual storm track / details.
  11. Keeps the hope alive for some meaningful snow. Could just be more cold, dry suppression up here in the Northeast but without the cold we wouldn't have much hope so I will take it. These nickle and dine coating to 1" event don't cut it for me.
  12. You would think so. Until I see some decent model agreement inside of 4-5 days I tend to downplay. At 10 days out without at least 2-3 days of consistency it is just noise to me. Just something of passing interest.
  13. It will trend north. Buckle up.
  14. 2024 highlights for NJ: https://www.njweather.org/content/onjscs-top-10-nj-weather-and-climate-events-2024
  15. Had .30" snow here with the event yesterday. Temperature is currently 28 with bright sun. Nearly all the snow is gone. Trace to slightly more remains in shaded locations only. More road salt remains than snow. Respectable cold pattern but nothing more in my opinion.
  16. It was fixed. It was a typo. Changed to 12.5".
  17. Seems a tad sparse over SNJ considering what fell yesterday but maybe not yet included.
  18. Love a good visible satellite loop after a snowfall. https://www.meteo.psu.edu/ewall/PSUGOES_MESO1/loop60.html
  19. I think better to say we can't capitalize on a cold pattern. If it were a really good pattern we would be doing better than we are. Just my 2 cents.
  20. Love that you are now a fan of analogs. Never found of them of much use and especially not now in this current climate cycle.
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