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Everything posted by MANDA

  1. Overnight low here was -0.4, officially zero. Merry Christmas to all.
  2. Temperature free fall has leveled off here. Has been 2.7 for a while now. High point -2.
  3. Nice LE streamer aimed right into downtown Buffalo last several hours. Going to be some hefty totals. Combined with the wind must look amazing.
  4. Same here. Everything was rapidly drying and they have salt all over the place. Even worse is no rain for next week or so it will be like a dust storm with the wind for a few days on the highways. Has really gotten out of hand with treating roads for nothing over the last several years. At least here in NJ.
  5. Down to 10 degrees here. Was 56 degrees 12 hours ago. Wind is howling and we have a fresh .10" of snow coating everything but pavement. There was so flash freeze on the roads in my area at least. Wind and drying air evaporated roadways before any freezing could take place. Even on untreated surfaces.
  6. Currently 27 here with still light snow. Everything coated but pavement. Back edge right at my doorstep. Look to end up with about .10". Sky brightening.
  7. The back edge of precip shield just racing through NJ. Has to be moving 50 mph. Partly sunny over SW NJ.
  8. Currently 30 here with light wet snow but good size flakes. Was 56 at 5am. Windy!
  9. Currently 34 here with light wet snow but good size flakes. Was 56 at 5am.
  10. 1.87" rainfall here last 24 hours. Was 56 at 5am and currently 41 degrees. Windy with gusts estimated at 30-35 mph.
  11. 1.87" rainfall here last 24 hours. Was 56 at 5am and currently 41.
  12. Interesting to note: The first half of the month was not as mild as originally forecast and the last half of the month does not look as cold as originally forecast. Consequently there was little warmth to erase starting at mid month and as it looks now the month will finish a degree or so below normal. There has been a rather consistent chill near to just below normal for most of the month after the milder opening. The coming cold shot looks to ensure we finish just below normal. There was a time earlier in the month when it was questionable if the cold second of the month would get us to normal or below. As it turns out there was not much warmth to erase. Without the coming cold shot we probably would have finished flat give or take a tenth or two.
  13. Good grief. This thread is sinking faster than cement shoes in the Hudson.
  14. Interesting stats. Courtesy Dr. Ryan Maue. I remember December 1989 vividly. Also remember what followed for the rest of the winter. Ugh. December 23, 1989 had heavy snows coastal SC/NC followed by bitter cold. Was an amazing Arctic discharge.
  15. Tatamy and NorthShore. I also remember that event so well. I was 14 years old. It was a Monday morning, and I went to bed Sunday night with temperatures in the m/u 50's. Woke up early in the morning Monday to the sound of thunder and lightning. Laid in bed a bit and then heard the wind howling, more flashes of lightning. Did not hear any rainfall and thought that was odd. Got up and looked out the window and there were blizzard conditions. Checked my Taylor thermometer and it was 17 degrees. Blizzard conditions raged for about 2 hours. Only about 2" snow but wind howled for hours, and temperatures held in the teens all day. Lived near the Bayonne waterfront and went for a walk along the shore late morning. Everything was encased in frozen spray and the bay was raging with whitecaps. Great little event often forgotten.
  16. Was in Central and Southern part of Morris County all day. Just a trace to a tenth or two Morristown and Chatham area. Returned home to a 2.7" plastering. Was expecting 1-2" so overachieved. Main roads in town wet to slushy. Side roads snow covered and packed. Temperature 32 currently with S-/IP- currently falling. Accumulation is done.
  17. Pattern is poised to have the feature over SW Canada belly under the NE Canada HT anomaly and dig into the Ohio Valley and then head east before lifting NE. Impressive look.
  18. I like how the western ridging has been trending inland over the last 2-3 cycles. Would like to see final outcome be about 110W but trending inland from OFF the west coast as in a few cycles back is a big step in my opinion. PNA going positive is also something we've needed. No matter, the 500 MB evolution on all of the mid and long range guidance is a great signal for major east coast storm THREAT. Details yet to be resolved but dynamic pattern upcoming.
  19. Just for kicks compare the 12Z EURO from yesterday to 12Z run today at 500 over the eastern U.S. Just tremendous swings on all the guidance of late. Will see what ensembles show for 12/22 - 12/23 event. Would like the western ridge to be move over the Rockies but ways off and things will change. Hopefully in our favor so the coast can cash in on something before Christmas. Inland certainly in the game at this point.
  20. Totally agree 10/10. Would just like to see the ridge axis more over the inter mountain region. Too far west for my liking but WAY early and I'm not taking a 183 hour prog verbatim.
  21. I'll take this over the 12Z OP EURO from yesterday. Not ideal but at least we don't torch over Christmas weekend. Nice to see the OP and EPS in better sync overnight. That is true Arctic HP extending into the nations mid-section. Will spread / ooze eastward but by far the direct discharge is down the front range into the plains and down to Texas. I'd rather this honestly. More direct discharge into the east leads to suppression and cold and dry. This opens the door for opportunity with the 12/22 - 12/23 event, at least inland and then perhaps beyond for larger part of this forum.
  22. I was full on board for an interesting period 12/20 - 12/31. That has always been my target period of interest. EURO is concerning I have to say. Going to take a wild swing to get rid of the western trof and southeast / eastern ridge. That OP EURO taken verbatim is a disaster. If it is showing a similar solution 3 days from now for the Christmas period we are in trouble and may have to face the fact the the U.S. east of the Mississippi may not benefit from all this blocking. Have said all along we need the +PNA, however weak to benefit. Will be interested to see the ensembles shortly. System on Thursday is not going deliver any meaningful snow to the vast majority of this forum. Along and north of Rt. 80 / west of 287 into interior southeast NY and CT have a decent chance of 1-3" or 2-4" amounts especially higher elevations. Overall I'm thinking amounts less than or equal to what fell on Sunday. We'll see but I'm getting concerned for the last third of the month delivering what we're all wanting. Not closing the door just yet but this is not what I expected to see at this date for 10 days out. What I am fairly confident about is a first class Arctic outbreak coming into the U.S. down the front range of the Rockies and out onto the plains and south into Texas. Perhaps rivaling some of the great Arctic blasts. Perhaps near record high pressure nosing southeast from the high Arctic into the central U.S.
  23. Ended up with 1.2" total snowfall. Liquid equiv. = .29". Snow total somewhat lower than immediate surrounding area but that's what is was. Looks pretty out this morning.
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