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Everything posted by MANDA

  1. What once looked like quite a wet period Thursday through Saturday is turning out to be modest at best. Had just .11" at my location for the 24 hour period ending 8:00 this morning. Most of the "reliable" guidance ("reliable guidance" has turned into quite the oxymoron lately) has greatly scaled back rainfall totals. This has been an ongoing trend for many months with just a few exceptions. Most locations can now expect 3 day totals in the .25" - .75" range. Five to seven days ago this was modeled as a 1.5" - 2.0" area wide soaking.
  2. Latest Drought Monitor released this morning shows abnormally dry conditions have expanded over the Northeast. Notably over SNJ into SEPA and over southeast Maryland. Hopefully the upcoming rainfall over the next week moistens things up. Moisture over the Winter was adequate for most locations but certainly not excessive. We're not exactly going into the warm season overly wet, at least as of right now.
  3. Maybe it was March that was so warm walking home from school. I just remember sweating on several days and thinking it was remarkable after the bitter January. April 1976 had the 3 day heatwave at Easter when it hit I believe 96 in the park on Easter Sunday. Was a dry heat though.
  4. Wow, great stuff thanks. My memory on all that was pretty good. I now remember we (NYC) just missed out on the coldest January by a bit falling only behind the bitter January of 1918. Wow, Philly crushed it getting to first place...hold my beer type of a record. Incomprehensible we could get something like that today. Two questions if you have time. What were temperature departures like for February 1977. I distinctly remember walking the 2 miles home from school and sweating at some point during that February. What was the seasonal snow total for that winter. I just remember one storm of note but I do remember what fell just kept building up because nothing melted for December and January. Thanks!
  5. Great memories! Yeah, I agree it is hard to imagine anything like this happening again anytime soon with the current climatic cycle.
  6. Also if I remember correctly the "cool" that 76-77 season started in August right after Hurricane Belle made a run up the east coast in early August. I remember it being cool for balance of August into September. Arctic outbreaks began in October and intensified into Nov., Dec and January. I remember November as being cold and VERY dry. Thanks for the charts...interesting that NYC made #9 and that was done really on the back of Dec 76 and Jan 77. I have to believe Feb 77 was above normal. If I recall Jan 77 was one of the coldest in NYC history, maybe top 5???
  7. I remember the famous back to back brutal winters of 76-77 and 77-78 for Buffalo and the Northeast. I remember 76-77 came to an abrupt end once to end of first week of February. Remember walking home from school in a t-shirt mid to late month. Snowfall was unremarkable for NYC area 76-77 with I think just one decent event (4-6") in January. The winter of 77-78 was memorable for lasting snow and cold with two big storms just weeks apart. Deep snow pack 12-24" lasted into last week of March where I was living in in Bergen County. Just going by memory here. Was a long time a go and I was just a kid but that is what I remember.
  8. My bet is that the majority of the people posting in this sub forum would experience culture shock, isolation and loneliness most of the year let alone during a long cold and very snowy winter living in Caribou. Moving from a large metropolitan area like we're living in to someplace like Caribou would leave most wanting to high tail it out of there after 1 year. Certainly housing is so much cheaper up there than around here, not to mention property taxes but it is a simpler life without much "luxury". I've visited once many years ago and I could not imagine wanting to leave this area to move there. I'd leave this area to move to many other places but not there.
  9. I'm just down the road from Jefferson Twp. site. They frequently do a little better with a bit more elevation. I'm surprised by Wantage just having .10" more than me. The Highland Lakes number is impressive.
  10. Attached maps say nothing to percentage of normal just snow totals from October 1 to March 15. We're likely done for this sub forum but up north could still catch something. For NJ it was along/north of Rt. 80 and West of 287 snow season. Amounts fell sharply once south of Rt. 78. on southward. Sitting at 20.4 for the season here which is about 1-2" less than map shows.
  11. Thanks, Don as always for your daily analysis and stats. Amazing to see that March looks to finish above normal after what at the start of the month looked to be like a chillier below normal month. My guess is that it will finish even above the .1 degree you referenced. Just so hard to get a month to finish solidly below normal these days. And by solidly I'm talking 3 degrees or more. We certainly have no trouble finishing 3 degrees above normal. Interesting times. There were the usual suspects (not meaning anyone on these forums) that were calling for a markedly cold March and hyping it to the max. I never brought into that extreme, but I was thinking March could finish 1-2 degrees below as the month began. Even with all the notable blocking cold air could not take hold. Hence the lack of snow for most of this forum. Glad this horror of a winter is all but done.
  12. Yes, your post is what made me take a look at the visible. I was amazed at how clearly the down slope snow shadow showed up. Interesting little ribbon of snow on the higher peaks inside the outline I drew.
  13. Interesting shadow effect to the west of the Hudson Valley.
  14. Thought the Drought Monitor was interesting. The "abnormally dry" conditions across parts of SNJ and L.I. have been lingering since Summer, through Fall and Winter. Kind of unusual. Weather looks pleasant but boring as all get out for at least the next week. No notable rain to wash away the excessive road salt they have been dumping over recent years. Was like driving in a dust cloud on parts of Rt. 80 yesterday.
  15. Reports from CoCoRaHS
  16. NWS ALB totals: https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=ALY&issuedby=ALY&product=PNS&format=ci Boston: https://nwschat.weather.gov/p.php?pid=202303150428-KBOX-NOUS41-PNSBOX
  17. Some totals to envy coming out of Albany office. https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=ALY&issuedby=ALY&product=PNS&format=ci also from Boston office https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=BOX&product=PNS&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1&highlight=off I think we can say the pattern delivered and blocking produced. Just did not work out for the best in our area. Pretty much classic Miller B just came together too far north to deliver the goods for this forum. As has been the case all season best totals were along and north of Rt. 80 and west of 287. The 7-9" totals across Sussex County were impressive. Entire forum would have done better if temperatures were about 5-7 degrees colder or if it was about a month earlier. Air mass needed to be just slightly colder and we would have had a better outcome for NYC and the immediate burbs. Not to mention ratios would have been better, especially inland.
  18. Latest Snow Totals per OKX https://nwschat.weather.gov/p.php?pid=202303142233-KOKX-NOUS41-PNSOKX Ended up with 4.8" at my location. Looked real good mid and late afternoon with blowing snow off rooftops and across open spaces. Some "drifted" spots on side of house up to 8-10".
  19. Latest totals from Mt. Holly: Public Information Statement (weather.gov)
  20. Just made the drive from home base east on 80 - south on 287 into Summit / Chatham area. Just trace amounts here. Once east on 80 near exit 35 accumulations really fall off quickly as you lose any elevation. Even at home all roads just wet.
  21. Currently 29.5. Has not moved much since daybreak. Up just .5 degrees. Light snow currently. Has been light to moderate snow all morning. Gusty NW wind. Est. 20-30 mph at times. Blowing snow. Snowfall so far 4.5”. Lesser amounts on streets and walks. Radar has been impressive over NNJ all morning with pseudo CCB especially over western/central parts of NNJ. At higher elevations it is accumulating. I'll add I was only forecasting 4" for my location so my expectations have been met. Anything else is gravy on the biscuit.
  22. 3” on unpaved surfaces. Still 29 degrees. Light to sometimes moderate snow. My lightly traveled street has been plowed a few times and is only slightly snow coveted.
  23. Currently 29 degrees. Light snow falling. Total so far is 1.5" on unpaved surfaces. It is sticking everywhere but paved surfaces took longer to start accumulating so depth on those surfaces is less. Looks pretty wintry with the gusty wind blowing the snow around.
  24. I don't even think it is going to have to wait until tomorrow morning. More like 18Z.
  25. LOL - I'm in the bullseye....I'll take it as is please !
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