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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Mt. Arlington, NJ Morris/Sussex County Border Elevation 1050'
  • Interests
    Meteorology, Science, Yankees and Finance

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  1. Check out the snow swath on morning visible loop from SE Texas into SE Virginia. Also from the Ohio Valley into New England. Just a little strip in between that was totally skunked. https://www.meteo.psu.edu/ewall/PSUGOES_US/loop30v.html
  2. With the threat of additional snow this month near nil barring any surprises I will finish January with 8.2". Most locations south and east of here was about one half that monthly total. This past Sunday event of 6.1" was the largest event. The rest of the monthly total was minor stuff. While a decent monthly total I'm not sure it was worth "buckling up" for.
  3. I agree. If no additional snow threats (and I mean decent snow threats) who needs it. Let it warm up and rain at least to wash away all this road salt.
  4. Low this morning of -1 here. Again, I am at a higher elevation for my area at about 1000'. I am sure it was colder down the "hill". Still holding at 5" 100% coverage snow pack.
  5. Sent you a message so as to not derail the board.
  6. Some interesting images and videos from down south: https://x.com/i/status/1881807129260236837 https://x.com/i/status/1881837087865159997
  7. My largest snowfall this season to date was 6.5" back in November. New Orleans and other locations have surpassed that today. Crazy.
  8. The lack of upcoming precipitation (rainfall) for the next 7-10 days means the obscene amounts of road salt are going to linger. Out driving on Route 80, and other local roads today and it was a literal dust cloud at times. SO MUCH salt, what a freaking mess. Was at a strip mall and I really felt bad for the store owners. Excessive amounts of salt all over the sidewalks being carried into their stores. You can tell the walks were mostly dry and snow free when the salt was dumped. It is just sitting there doing absolutely nothing. Carry on. I just needed to complain.
  9. Amazing map. You don't see something like this that often.
  10. Overnight low here of 1.2 with solid 5" snowpack. My location is quite elevated for the area and I'm sure lower elevations were a degree or 3 below zero. Cold and only a slow recovery next few days.
  11. Just flurries over the last hour. No additional accumulation. Winds have picked up and are pretty gusty. Snow is blowing off rooftops etc. it looks and feels very wintry out there. Temperature down to 16.
  12. Just a few ongoing flurries. Measured 6.1". That will be my final total unless flurries should over perform. Will go out and check in about an hour and see if anything additional to measure. If not, 6.1" will be final. Second largest event of the season here. 6.5" on 11/22-11/23 6.1" today 5.2" on 12/21 Total for the season to date 23.7". Unlike the other events this winter this snowpack is not going anywhere fast.
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