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Everything posted by chapelhillwx

  1. Models already account for precip not reaching the ground dude.
  2. @SnowNiner scroll up, that wasn't the most recent map. GSP issued a new one at 3pm that is a few posts above.
  3. For my upstate people GMU rose from 2.9” at 15z to 6.0 at 21z.
  4. Meanwhile i moved to metro Atlanta and was expecting maybe flurries. Midtown got maybe 4” and Canton got close to a foot. I was shocked lol
  5. Keep me posted on what you end up deciding. I’m gonna have to do some more research also.
  6. Took a personal day and going to be chasing this one Sunday am into Monday. Will be interesting to see where to go. Asheville would be convenient from Atlanta but I’m not sure that’s failsafe. Any ideas guys? Glad to be back on the forum again!
  7. Wasn't really main thread worthy, but there are some light returns showing up in the Triad; wonder if anyone sees flurries.
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