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Everything posted by HKY_WX

  1. This is my neck of the woods. We had a little over 5.
  2. Mod to Hvy snow up here in Franklinton. I think we might get up to another 2" out of these bands today. Crazy rates.
  3. Moderate snow again here. We will likely pick up another inch+ out of this
  4. Congrats to the guys out west. We're getting some flurries here again this Morn. Sitting at 23 right now. I think I will be officially ready for spring after the next 2 days of working 2 jobs, working from home and daycare.
  5. 22.1. Flurries still flying. About 11 hours of flakes.
  6. Yeah I measured over 4 in several spots out there. My guess is Wake Forest is similar
  7. The only storm in my life that I remember Charlotte proper capitalizing on was that late Feb 2004 storm. They had like 12+. It's not in a great location climo wise. No elevation like the foothills, too far west for coastals like this one, and normally always mixes to sleet and zr during Miller A's b/c it's too far south.
  8. I envy you guys. My 4 year old is awake and still going crazy.
  9. Winter Wonderland here in Franklinton. Roughly 4"
  10. The only convection i see right now is over the Triangle.... Boom
  11. Death band here in Franklinton. Approaching 2.5 to 3" i would wager.
  12. Changeover still looks south of Wake.
  13. 26.9* here in Franklinton. Light snow currently. Dusting came fast with the temps.
  14. Almost squall like bands coming into southern Wake. I bet those were sleet bands that will transition to Snow as it heads North across Wake.
  15. I'll stick to the above. I think there's a bit of overpanic tonight. The globals have been pretty steady today while the high res models struggle with the gulf convective issues.
  16. Did our ancestors draw up the interstates, county and state maps based on Snow totals and 850mb maps? I wonder sometimes.
  17. High Res NAM is struggling with that convection over the GOM tomorrow Morning. I do think that is causing some feedback issues over the Southeast. This was pointed out in the Foothills forum this Morning. I think this why you see the lower res models like the GFS showing a more smoothed out QPF depiction vs the NAM.
  18. NAM is still spitting out some very damaging Ice accumulations south and east of FAY.
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