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Everything posted by dmcginvt

  1. the concept of chaos theory tells us that we wil never be able to accurately model the weather. Even with a sensor measuring everyting related to the weather 1m up, left and right, in a grid all around the world enough could go on within that framework to change everything. See Edward lorenz, sensitive dependence on initial conditons. Fluid dynamics. diffeq. Theres not enough computing power to do it. Maybe quantum computers that can have bits both 1 and 0 can solve this.
  2. also it's shocking how wrong everyone here is, they should include americanwx in that graph
  3. thanks man!! that's amazing, can I see that in 3 days and 2 etc
  4. I'm a classic wishcaster. Im no george001. But I am terrible. I think we are getting more snow then let's on. There's been a north push after a huge south push to almost nothing. I'm guessing 4-6 is realistic. With some bonus upslope after for the northern greens to a foot for them
  5. THe irony? The canadian models are good for me up here in VT and have never changed. But you guys slam them left and right. NAM and GFS have improved here as well, after going so far as saying Im getting ZERO. Who really knows they are just models that cant deal with phasing. And they've all done poorly this winter. But if there's a model that gets most dissed it's the canadian both long range and hi res. Sure the icon and ukmet probably top that chart, but it's gfs/euro/gefs/eps/ nam that everyone follows. Until the gem or reggie fits your narrative. then they are ok. I personally feel like they arent ok and are usually wrong. And thus agree with the masses. But until someone does independant verification on all of them how we do we really know
  6. I dont understand you people that constantly say the gem and reggie suck and then look to them when it favors you? What gives? Also Is there a verification site that compares??
  7. looks like blowing ass on gondolier and hayride always good times. Miss my old 210 gs skis used to blow ass with the best of them on those trails. BTW I knew Jake, his son Timmy was in the same grade as mine and played hockey with him. What a bonus it was during the winter carnival hockey tourney that I was running when they gave us 5 snow boards to raffle off. Never got the invite to the annual party though, i would have loved the 50th with Trey.
  8. headwall of national looks like nothing these days. Where's the ice!!
  9. despite what radar shows it really slowed down now but we had a good smack totalling 9 inches from midnight till 10.
  10. Im at 9 so far. Not really doing much right now despite what radar shows.
  11. I think you have a few hours of heavy snow coming to get you to 6, i dont think 8 is a stretch.
  12. Transition to low in NJ happening both 989
  13. .75 since 5 Total. It's lightened up significantly. 26.4/25.9
  14. It follows with the front and frontogenesis right over milton
  15. Looks like that section of Maine due east of me is getting killed
  16. 26.1/25.6 Snow started at midnight. 1/4 in first hour. 3.75 since. 4 inches at 4:45am. Wiped board
  17. Not sure what happened but the MD was right. It just started dumping here and I went from 1/4 in to 3" in an hour. we must be under optimal dgz because these flakes are silly. thick and heavy and coming down like a thunderstorm. No thundersnow though.
  18. Its dumping so hard now. Literaly pouring snow. Took the dog for a walk and after 20 minutes we were covered by a half inch. Vis is near zero, 100 yards and I couldnt see my house https://share.icloud.com/photos/002do0rPLhp-r63_8YYHZ8_rw I couldnt embed this Im new to iphone
  19. I dont use it on mobile, desktop only, I paid for weather weather omega after reading reviews for the app and it has no radar tilts for winter mask, WTF? I live in the shadow of the green mountains from our main radar. I need all the tilts always. I asked them and they said At this time we don't have additional tilts for Winter Weather Radar, however, I see why this would be a priority in your case. This likely won't be something I can get changed right away, as there are a lot of complications with WWR and how it's created, but I'll bring this up to everyone today and see if this is something we can get worked on. Nice and honest answer from a met on their team! But weathertap it is.
  20. The low is where the hrr shows it. It shows it doing exactly what is expected a few hours of destruction There will be an MD for this
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