2007 was epic, worst winter ever, until late Jan and the Vday happened to this day my penultimate experience. 38" of joy. And it snowed for the next 2 months like it was going out of style. The company I work for used to have a ski day every year for the owners bday on March 18th, but for some reason that yr it was April 5th and with the base we had from the previous 2 months and the heavy snow that day (that wasn't wet it was like January that day) it was just absolutely unreal. There was so much snow there was no boulder on the lower narrow section of goat, it was like a little mogul on gulch. Makes me think of 2005 too which was no slouch in extreme snow and not the nickel and dime we usually get (which I'm not complaining about simply acknowledging that's how we typically get our snow). Sigh, I'm just loving the snow and pontificating about old snow and speaking parenthetically way too much. I digress. Looking forward to more this weekend even if lacks the original hype, more is just cake at this point. I'm not greedy likes those sne'ers