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Everything posted by dmcginvt

  1. Man its windy. Also Here's Stowe 10 minutes ago, that's some snow blowing! Can only see the second set of lights on the overeasy, the other side doesnt exist, no mtn ops, no groomers
  2. Just goes to show that anecdotal more often then not means WRONG!! Thanks for the record keeping and the sharing of the record!! Go science and maths! I have noticed Tgiving anecdotally has been snowier:)
  3. Whoa are you in Garfield area by any chance. Such a microclimate in that E part of HP!! Just started here in Waterbury Center hope that little ditty hits me I went to Johnson way back when and a buddy lived out there. It would snow when it wasn't snowing anywhere else the depth was always a foot + or more.
  4. As far as N VT goes Not getting my hopes up but that NAM is juicy as is often the case with its overblown qpf. We have Euro, CMC, NAM, RDPS all in our court but as is mentioned elsewhere the GFS gets shunted a little more S and E causing less of a front end and more dragged out snow over the weekend. Well take it anyway we can get it. Thinking 4-6 is doable for my backyard. Low end 3" high end 9" Grrr GFS And the 18z euro which just took a turn for the worse also!
  5. Man the snow after valentnes day. It went till late april it was just silly just kept on snowing and snowing
  6. Doh euro goes gfs route too far south. Looking forward to the trending back north to watch the sne folks freak over then next few days model runs. A man can dream. We will get our snow in some way somehow. But man this is rough
  7. How highly anomalous is this. I have lived in Lamoillle County or Washington County since 87. I dont recall us being this bare in a long time. But i also feel like it has happened before. Anyone got records to share? Worst december ever records?
  8. The question is why is the GFS wrong? And why does it hate us?
  9. HE lives in another world. I got nothing of anything. Saw a few flakes which was nice, Im a few miles to the NW of him. Im going to figure this out exactly for science as I know where he is and man things will be different. Right now my guess is a about 4.5 miles NW. TOTAL guess. He's SW of the res and im due east of it almost dead center
  10. I wish you were my umm my kid's dad? I actually bought the shit to make a rink and then didnt have a flat enough spot, I dont know what I was thinking in Vermont. I Thought I had the spot laid it out and was like, uhhh this isnt big enough. I have never felt more dumb in my life.
  11. I recall so much snow it was unreal! I dont recall the skiing. But thats at 850' and I loved it.
  12. Nearly 2 inches already, and no wind which is bizarre. Reminds me of August 2004, such steady rain and very dense. Irene was like this too but a little windier
  13. Ummm, I may be off a year here, but I have pics from jan-march 2005 that show absolutely silly snow where I lived in Stowe on Mansfield View rd. Maybe it was just a Burlington thing? I'd never want to go against the powerfreak but man I have (had) time stamped photos of epic snow on my deck. If only I could find them!
  14. https://www.gardeningchannel.com/scientists-say-dont-rake-leaves/
  15. lol, PLs bring it from NC. I saw 6in at 800' on oct 4 1987. But ill never trust 372 clown. We are in ridge west trough east pattern that might last despite la nina but I think it's gonna go more zonal. That said , I dont think anything is normal anymore, GFS almost looks like superstorm of 93 Oct edition without the cold, look at how it sits there in the gulf for a while too lol and then just ejects NNE. Wouldnt be the first time we had 1 ft on the mtn with full foliage.
  16. Man so much missed because of mountains. Theres no flooding. I checked everywhere. Im fine we needed this. 2.57 today, 2.96 total. Unreal at almost 3 inches. Still no flood that literally how dry its been
  17. I def noticed the heavy stuff over me being just s of Stowe.
  18. This rain today is epic, just keeps training right over me. .5 in 20 minutes earlier, now .5 in 15 minutes and still going! 2.25"/hr rate. 1.25 so far today added to the .41 yesterday 1.66 so far.\ edit: 2.05 today 2.44 total and raining like a mother on and off still. Curious to see Jspin totals too, it's just so nice to be in the train of moisture for the first time in a long time. Looking at the radar it looks like another blast is coming!!
  19. ha and then almost a half inch like that and temp down to the dewpoint. Tomorrow is going to be lovely!!
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